I have a terrible cold right now , I have this cough that shakes the foundation of the house and scares my cat so much I haven’t seen him for two days . I haven’t had a cold for years last time it went into asthma and three broken ribs plus a chest infection. In Scotland you can’t see a doctor. My worry is the cough , it’s very harsh and strong I’m worried that it will shock my heart ? If that makes sense ? I have done three lateral flow tests it’s definitely not covid . It’s not infected as the mucus is clear ( sorry ) . So yeah the worry is my heart and if the cough is strong enough to stop it or break it .. daft j know but I’m new to this
Feeling very poorly : I have a terrible... - British Heart Fou...
Feeling very poorly
I am in Scotland as well, and if you need to see the GP you can it’s a case of going through receptionist being given a telephone appointment and if the doctor feels a face to face is needed one is arranged. There are rules to follow getting in and out!
Have you tried phoning your GP surgery? I know it can take some time to get through but you sound like you need some help. At my surgery we have nurse practitioner they can write prescriptions review blood tests. Nothing is worse than feeling ill at the lead up to Christmas.
Hope you can get through to your GP.
Best wishes Pauline
Hi Pauline , yeah I know I can call them up our gp practice has been rather good in all this but I don’t feel like I need a doctor as it hasn’t blown into an asthma attack like it used to years ago . Right now I just feel horrible and scared of the effect the cough can have on my heart. Hope your good x

If you are worried that this coughing is causing you problems then you need to get some help. Remember you are not a bother as char says we can’t just take over the counter remedies when we are on heart medication. So quick phone call sorted.I am doing ok over the abscess and tooth extraction. My kidney second blood test came back as stable so everyone is happy 😂
So off-topic but YIPPEE about the kidney blood test, you must be over the moon!
Thanks Sunnie, it was a great relief. I was waiting for the next shoe to fall! But everything was ok.It was a bad few days I developed an abscess under a tooth never had tooth ache like it would happen over a weekend! Then all of a sudden pain gone but looked like a squirrel with a moth full of nuts! Saw dentist Monday a week of antibiotics and the following Monday she took it out she said the tooth had died that’s why the pain disappeared but if she didn’t take the tooth I would eventually get another abscess.
How are you? Hope your feeling better and ready to face the Christmas holiday. Hope your family in the USA are all doing well. My nephew sees his oncologist next week fingers crossed everything is still ok. He seems to be working long hours at the hospital. His energy levels mustn’t be too bad?
Stay safe
I'm ok-ish (LOL!), missing the family but thanking the stars for Zoom and Skype especially as my son and his wife have a new son (born 1 Oct) and I'm itching to cuddle that newest grandson
Good to hear your pesty tooth is gone, and your nephew is feeling well enough to keep up his hospital hours, the lad must be made of steel!
As it is now Christmas Week, I wish you and yours a lovely peaceful Christmas!
Oh congratulations on your new grandson, I can well imagine how much you need to see and hold him. Your arms must ache. The ok-ish sounds a bit ominous! Hope 2022 brings you feeling normal!Echoing your thoughts on FaceTime these last couple of years would have been so much worse without it.
Where does the time go! our eldest granddaughter as just finished her 1st year at university can remember talking to you about her choosing where she was going. Life is passing at a great rate of knots.
I send you and your lovely family a wonderful Christmas and a New year that brings you better health and the chance to hold your beautiful grandson.
Pauline xxx
Morning sorry to hear you are so unwell people laugh and say hmm it's just a cold but it is such a miserable thing, you have my sympathy. Would the pharmacist be able to recommend something for your cough? .I know there are a lot of cough medicines that us hearties can't take but there might be something he could recommend.I hope you feel a bit better soon take care char
Dear Notdead
Please keep trying your GP / triage/ 111 you need answers and only a medically trained person can give you those.
Get well soon my thoughts are with you
I would suggest you do a PCR test. My sister had a cold that was really COVID but her lateral flow was negative. It’s widely reported that this new covid variant presents like a cold and can be missed by the lateral flow tests. I’m sorry you’re so unwell, keep warm and hydrated. Xx
In addition to the advice so far, you could also use a teddy, hugged to your chest when you cough. It will help you control the cough, reduce the pain and slightly help your cat.A teddy is a bath towel tightly rolled and secured with string or ribbon. Even better a new towel still with its retaining straps.
Us AVR hearties were shown this in hospital. I was even given the new towel to take home.
Don’t hug the cat, they generally don’t like it.
Thanks Colin that’s good advice .
In Wales we call it a cwtch. X
If you haven’t then you should 100% do a PCR Test, Lat flow are no where near as reliable.
Hiya, I’m asthmatic too and I’d strongly suggest getting in touch with your GP. It’s about keeping you out of hospital, rather than letting it get to the stage you were at before. I mean that’s in a supportive way, not harsh so I hope it doesn’t come over that way.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones.
Hi shar , that’s my fear is going to hospital, I don’t feel nearly unwell enough to call a doctor yet and fingers crossed I won’t have too . Been here before as have you so I’m sure you understand. It’s the cough that worries me , so far I’ve been taking codeine and that suppress the cough really week , but when I do cough I could move mountains 😂😂 and the fear is my heart . Apart from the worry of my heart I’m not bothered about anything else if that makes sense ?!? 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ Hope you are well and all ready for the men in the red suit to come xx

Yes, I understand. It’s a difficult one. I hope it doesn’t get any worse, take care. X

as pp s have sad please get a PCR lateral flow is for testing non symptomatic people & you really need to discount covid 100%
This may sound weird but it really does work!! Rub vick on the soles of your feet before you go to bed and then wear socks to bed. Just first check with a pharmacist that you can use vick if you're asthmatic. Hope you're feeling better soon
😂😂😂😂😂 knowing my luck I’ll throw the socks off in the middle of the night , get up to pee , stick to the tiles in the bathroom , fall over and crack my head on the bath 😂😂😂 but yeah I’ll give it a go why not ! I’ll try anything thank you 🙏🏼

Someone recommended it to me and it literally cured my cough within a couple of days. Which is just as well because it feels really gloopy & not the bestest for your socks!!! Google vick and you'd be surprised at it's medicinal qualities, it can help with everything from stretch marks to fungal toe nails! Good luck.Ps: don't get up to pee unless it's absolutely necessary!😱
My husband had the strongest toe nails, they were like steel! Told to rub Vick into each toe nail and they would soften! Easier to cut, Worked a treat.
Vicks is fantastic for stopping cold sores in their tracks. Use at the first tingle, of course unless it's inside your lip. Anyone know why it now says don't put it up your nose? I'd done that for years.
The cough is a symptom of possible Covid you need to get a PCR test. Lateral flow is only if there are no symptoms of Covid. Do not go to see Dr until you do a PCR test first.
Hi Notdead
I’m in Essex and have the same cold thing with a horrendous cough. Sneezing, coughing until I throw up. Then my heart beats so fast. So tired as coughing through the night.
I had COVID mid November with the same cough, out of action for 2 weeks and started to feel better, then this cold virus as they call it.
I tried for 3 weeks to get a Doctors appointment.
As we cannot have any cold remedies try this -
I Sprinkled Oilbas Oil on my throat & chest, put a hot water bottle on top to draw out any rubbish & toxins that might be clogging my chest.
The following day my cough was 50% less.
COVID is everywhere here and now it appears this Cold Virus is too.
Hope this helps x
Hi , yes it does ! I tried the Vicks on the feet last night and only woke once to pee so I survived that , the codine seems to be working with suppressing the cough . I know it’s not covid I’ve done so many tests my poor nose can’t take anymore of it . 6 tests now in total . It’s a cold / cough . I recackle when I breath which is irritating af 😂😂😂 . I will be putting the hot water bottle on my chest tonight! Thank you so much
I would suggest at others have to get a PCR, my 12 year old had covid, didn’t get a positive LFT until day 5 of symptoms- even one done immediately after the now possible PCR was negative. At least the. You can rule it out-and speak to 111. I hope you feel better soon. X
I’m empathising with you! I’m just the other side of this awful cold ( so much mucus😤😮💨. Had LFT & PCR to check but it’s a really really horrid cold & lots of people are getting them. And this year they are worse than ever. I’m not the heart patient but the remedies offered already sound good & the olbas oil & vick ( not on my feet Lezzers😄) helped me. I’m afraid the Dr can’t do much for a cold but if you’re not feeling a bit better in 4 days ( I still have the cold I’m just not as bad) definitely make a nuisance of yourself because you may get a chest infection & need antibiotics. 🫂
Hi , I’m in Scotland too and you can see a doctor ! Your practice must be over cautious. This terrible cough is doing it’s rounds and it’s awful . I had it in September . I found lemon and ginger tea was great , tea bags or make you own with grated ginger and fresh lemons . I added honey too - very soothing and the warmth of the ginger is comforting. You can drink as much as you like as often as you like . Flushing out your system is good at getting rid of germs . Sometimes the old simple remedies can be the best . I bought my tea bags from lidl , so not expensive and they have honey too.
Lots of pillows and sleeping as upright as possible is best and def hug a rolled towel .
Sorry to say but this cough can last a couple of weeks . So stay warm , drink hot drinks and try eating fruit if you can . Hot soups or porridge to keep your strength up.
Phone your doctor for a telephone consultation and if they feel they need to see you they will .
Keep safe and cosy xxx
Hi , I don’t feel badly enough to pester a doctor just yet , the tea sounds good , I was craving hot chocolate so my husband surprised me yesterday with a tassimo machine and a massive box of 60 hot chocolate pods , marshmallows too . We only drink coffee in this house and it’s bean too cup . I do have green tea somewhere in here though , but the hot chocolate is winning the race atm 😂😂😂 . Since everyone is saying to get a pcr test we looked it up this morning and the nearest site is 8 miles away today . How do people who don’t drive get to these it’s ridiculous!! Sorry I’m just venting about it now , my husband says I’m a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist 😂😂😂 . I’m hoping by money I feel a bit better if not I’ll seek out a site and get a pcr . I’m 99 % positive it’s a cold with a monster cough though and not everything is covid 😂😂😂 hope you have a great weekend
I do hope you are beginning to rally. I believe honey and lemon in hot water actually helps. Not great for tooth enamel but soothing for throats and coughs.
A dash of whisky in it might help clear the airways- if that appeals to you but maybe limit that to just one in the evening rather than throughout the day whisky self medication which wouldn’t be good for anyone let alone us hearty folk !
I can remember years ago having a bad cold and drinking half a bottle of whiskey with irn bru for medical reasons obviously 😂😂 felt miles better the next day
Hi , I have several friends ( not linked) with this cough - very fit ones too ! It’s horrible . When I say tea , it doesn’t have to have actual tea in it 😂 just lemon , ginger and honey snd hot water. Note NO CAFFEINE!
Which is good for us . Plus not so much calories. Your hot chocolate sounds amazing though 😀.
Get well soon x
My husband used to make this drink up with lemons honey and raw cinnamon mixed with water and he took a good few swallows of it each morning . 🤢infact due to that wee craze of his we have vast amounts of raw honey in the cupboard so I’ll be giving this wee drink you told me about a try . Thank you x
I would also suggest getting a PCR test as Lateral Flow Tests are not always accurate when someone has full blown Covid apparently. Hope you soon feel better.
There is a nasty cold and cough going about , I had it several weeks ago it lasted 2 weeks and like you I kept doing tests and they were clear
Also my Rehab Nurse had the same and a very bad cough like me and she had it twice
When I got it and I do not think it is daft at all but like you all the coughing I worried if it would damage my heart as well as having double pneumonia a couple of years ago petrified it would go on my chest
Everyone kept saying plenty of rest and fluids but somehow even though I did it did not take the fear away
However the cold and cough did slowly start ti get better and for now that panic is over
I am not in Scotland but I know where I am it is hard to get to see a Doctor to but if we stress we could or feel we have a chest infection they will see us
If you do feel you have an infection I wonder if you insisted they would do the same but I will keep everything crossed that like many that have picked this Virus up that you will shake it of soon and feel better x
So sorry to hear of your cough/cold. Unfortunately I can’t help you much but I wanted to let you know that I love your sense of humor and that you’ve made my day giving me a good laugh about your cat! He’ll come home!
I had a similar bout like you in Feb, March and into April 2020. Covid. My ribs were hurting, my chest tight and the coughing was endless. I sat up in bed to sleep for 66 nights to try and stop the cough. I damaged my throat and swallowing which took 6 months to recover. I also was concerned about my heart and the strain that I was putting upon it. I also ended up being breathless upon exertion for a couple of months afterwards, similar to Exercised Induced Asthma/Bronchitis
Cough medicines didn’t much help. I always had a little whisky by my bedside to sip on when I had a coughing attack and that settled it for a little while. Hubby told me to try to cough in a calmer manner and not so harshly…..which was very difficult to do.
I hope your cold clears up soon. The body has a way of protecting one’s organs. Try to keep the coughing less harsh and aggressive if you can. Maybe suck a hard sweet to lubricate your throat.
Best wishes to you and a speedy recovery T57
Cough in a calmer manner ???? Hahahahaha omg you should see my husband when I cough he looks at me like I’m some demon who is here to distort the earth through sound waves 😂😂😂 yeah it’s brutal but the codine helps until that wares off them the cough starts again 😂 . The whiskey sounds a good idea👍🏻 . Jaxz the cat is ok he just freaks out and is very skittish for a black panther , he doesn’t like loud noises 😂🐈⬛
Love the kitty pic..😍
Wow, he really is a panther.Hope you get well soon. Sounds wearing and worrying.
Yeah he’s so pantherish he’s hiding behind the sofa right now cus we have a plumber in fixing the boiler 😂😂😂
Ha ha ha. Love it!!! Mine could set a world record for snoozing, is extremely skilled at self care and has no problems prioritising her own needs.
Not as daft as they look. Plenty to teach us!! 😉
I had an awful cough a couple of years ago and really found a hot lemon and honey drink worked wonders, I did become a little addicted to it even though I don't like honey! I remember as a child my grandma giving me hot honey to drink for coughs/colds too. Maybe a spoonful of neat honey will help, manuka is supposed to be the honey of all honeys. Hope you feel better soon.
Aww thank you , I’m not a lover of honey either tbh , but I’m willing to do anything at this point. Turns out my husband seems to have fought it as well now .. this is going to be such fun ! Hahahaha help!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

I think so long as there isn't too much honey it's ok and the lemon probably balances out the sweetness. I actually have a little honey on my porridge these days! Rowes do some different ones, maybe as we have the 'light' one it's not so sweet?
Oh dear, looks like you'll need a lot of honey and Jiff lemons!! 😆😆
Ring 111They will be able to help you if you can't get through to the Surgery.
Hope you feel better soon.🤗