Anybody experience sharp right sided chest pain above the breast towards the centre. It’s been going on a while now and really starting to worry me. My GP says it’s most likely musculoskeletal but I’m not so sure. I’m also having a lot of heart burn and acid reflux. Any help would be appreciated.
Sharp right sided chest pain - British Heart Fou...
Sharp right sided chest pain

i have had chest pain very bad on the right hand side just a second it last a sharp pain than goes away than comes back this can happen 20-30 times a day, went GP said nothing wrong as if was in the centre of the chest than they would have looked into it further, also i suffer with extreme health anxiety
Thanks for reply! What is it though? What is this chest pain, it’s coming from somewhere? I’v had 24 hour holter monitor, stress test, blood tests, numerous ekgs but nothing showed up. It’s easy for GP to say it’s musculoskeletal but how does she know for definite. The pain is usually right sided but sometimes it can be closer to the centre and the odd time on the left side. Can it be reflux? Does that cause daily chest pain? I’m afraid it’s angina. I also suffer really badly with health anxiety! I’m at my wits end, can’t get through the day without a Xanax!
I have had a lot of anxiety about health and had an NSTEMI and stent fitted in May, my chest has been going through lots of spike pains and dull aches etc etc, post opp but all test show it's not my heart and more gastro often and skeletal. Do they come on with exertion or exercise? my best advise for your peace of mind regardless of what the GP says (sorry I dont know your age) is request a CT Scan of heart and chest to see if you have any artey narrowing, if your over 50, you are within your rights to request a full check up and scan and that way you get the knowledge you need. Can you bring on the pain with certain movement? my cardiologist said that if you can replicate the pain with movement then it's not your heart and spiking pains I am told are not cardiac, full aches under the ribs in your arms, neck, jaw are the ones to worry about that go away with rest. not sure of that helps but go for the CT, it will give your mind a rest and believe me your mind is as strong to bring on pains that you worry about as much as your body.
I agree with Phill ask if you can have an echocardiogram to put your mind at rest, just like you I had loads of tests that came back clear and trust me I had health anxiety! It was only after being admitted to hospital and having a CT scan followed by an echocardiogram that everything became clear and thank goodness it did. Don’t be fobbed off.
I see your post is a year old so perhaps it's too late to be replying to it, but I had AVR 7 weeks ago yesterday. I thought things were going well but starting on Sunday I also started having short, sharp pains near my incision, just to the right of it. I'm not too worried as it definitely seems to be coming from in between the skin and the rib cage, which means it has to be my pectoral muscle. Still, I'm wondering why it's been okay and now suddenly starts hurting after 7 weeks; I thought I was pretty much "out of the woods" at this point. Fortunately it seems to have gone away early this morning so I'm hoping it won't come back. But it sounds similar to your experience so I was just wondering if you ever figured out what was causing it, in case mine does come back.