I had my surgery (aortic valve and aorta replaced) on 14.12.20, I then had a pacemaker fitted 04.01.21. I have been home 3 weeks and have developed eptopic beats and atrial fibrillation. My heart rate fluctuates constantly. I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this in their recovery. Do they calm down or go as your health improves or can they be treated. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Eptopic beats and af: I had my surgery... - British Heart Fou...
Eptopic beats and af
Hello Peterosgood. In the initial stages of having my dual-chamber pacemaker, I found it very uncomfortable and experienced what I would describe as palpitations, especially when I lent against something, pillows on the bed, the back of the sofa. I could feel a really strong beat of my heart, to the point of irritation at times, and sometimes felt a bit nauseous. I chose the biological aortic valve as I was concerned about the 'ticking' of the mechanical one, and then I thought I would never be able to lie on my back again. I've had my pacemaker 'paced' three times now, (seven months) and a couple of adjustments, and I was told at my last check that my pacemaker had overridden my heart beat twice. Very clever technology! I lost two and a half stone so became very thin, and whilst I've put over a stone back on, I can still practically grab the pacemaker and feel it easily with my hand. It gets 'in the way' when I lie on my side. This said, things are much better, I am building up more tissue around it, and I do not notice it so much. The palpations have lessened considerably, and whilst I still have a little bruising (yes, seven months later) I am learning to live with it. I am no medic, but it may be worth asking to have it paced, so that they can see what, if anything, is/has been going on. BTW, I always set the alarms off at my local B&Q! Brings a smile if nothing else! Best wishes, speedy recovery.
Hello, Peter. It is not uncommon to develop AF after major aortic surgery and happens due to inflammation of the heart caused by the operation. Strangely it does seem to happen a little while after the op (a week or two) rather than straight away. It normally goes away by itself or after a stabilising period of a few months on amiodarone, or a cardioversion.
However, you have a key difference from that, which is the pacemaker. Without knowing why you had the pacemaker I can't comment further, other than to say those symptoms are typical of what might happen after aortic surgery but with no pacemaker.
I would call your Doctors. It might need adjusting, ir it might be something else, but I would say it is something that should be looked at.
Thank you for your reply, it's reassuring to know it's quite common and may go in time. I have consulted my GP who is quite happy, probably just more my anxiety.
Many thanks for your response. I'm definitely being careful with my arm and will discuss the details at my pacemaker check up.