Hi All, I am currently on 2.5 Bisoprolol due to ectopic beats (22k after a week wearing monitor) a few months ago. I just seem to feel worse on the tablets, tight heavy chest and palpitations still present. I feel ok in the morning and take the tablet at lunch time and shortly after my heart feels worse. I’ve recently had an MRI and waiting for results. Dr suggested increasing dose again after a 24hr check still showed 4K which was a 4% burden. I’m just under 9st and another consultant said I could only tolerate 2.5mg and I don’t want this weird feeling to be worse. I hate having this condition it consumes my day 🥴 does this ever get better? I’ve had a lot of stress over the last 3 years which is still ongoing. Any advice would be great, many thanks x
Bisoprolol and Ectopic Beats - British Heart Fou...
Bisoprolol and Ectopic Beats

A friend of mine suffers from ectopic beats. He was on medication for this but is now off it and only suffers ectopics very very rarely. How?
Basically he has cleaned up his diet by eliminating caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and spicy food from his diet. This only works by sticking to the plan and not slipping in " treats"! Approaching 70 he regularly swims 40 lengths and sails a one man dingy. He does partake to a small glass (125ml) of wine on his birthday and Christmas. Well worth a try I think!
Hey Was he on bisoprolol and did he just stop the medication or the dr took him off like weaned him off because I thought it was dangerous to just come off ,, I’m glad he found a way to do it naturally though that’s great news
So just a change of diet and he felt okay that’s brill hats off to him x
Definitely. I went through everything to see if they made a difference which they did. First of all for some reason the magnesium made them worse so I stopped taking Magnesium Taurate, then I decided to try other medication I was taking and the medication for my eyes made the ectopic beats worse. The only thing left was a drink called Summer fruits by Robinson and I stopped drinking that and I have very few ectopic beats now, so most definitely food, drink and medication needs to be explored to see if the trigger the beats . The ones I had were vile.
Hi, I also have this (PVCs) diagnosed in January 2021. It started in November but took awhile to get the test results. Last holter I had 17000 (9% burden). I was started on 2.5mgs Bisoprolol which I take in the morning but 6 weeks ago also started an additional 1.25mgs at night as they were worsening after 6pm. The medication doesn’t take them away completely but I find it takes the edge off them and has stopped me focusing on them 24-7 (which makes them worse). I have stopped all caffeine, take magnesium supplement and have drastically reduced my alcohol intake (I now have about 1 bottle spread across a week). Worse if I have a curry, pizza or a big meal. I’m currently trying to build up my exercise to try to condition my heart as moving around and distraction defo helps!!you’re not asthmatic are you as I know beta blockers are not ideal if you are and an alternative can be offered?
Thanks for responding. I am otherwise healthy, I don’t drink and have one caffeinated tea in the morning. I am 49 and only other medication is HRT due to removal of ovaries in 2013. Is it ok to exercise? I’m so worried and aware of my heart all the time, it’s draining! I will try to reduce chocolate and spicy food and see if that helps. Maybe also take magnesium. I would love to come off the pills one day 🤞
See if you can speak with the cardiologist re:exercise?mine just said go for it and do whatever...it defo helps mine and even if I’m feeling a lot of them getting up and moving seems to put me back into a regular rhythm again...it’s very hard not to focus on them and even the cardiologist told me they feel horrific but are benign
Bisoprolol actually increases ectopic beats and causes other arrythmia in some people. Did with me I couldn’t tolerate it . Keep an eye on whether you are actually improving not just your ectopics but your general well-being as a result of taking it
I agree I have just had my bisoprolol dose halved from 10 mg to 5 mg and am certainly suffering ectopics less frequently at the moment. Might end up with a water tablet though now to help with keeping my BP stable. Keep on going. A
Hi I have being given bisoprolol but mines for high bp ive being on 6 weeks and I’m having the same symptoms your experiencing tight heavy chest and can’t sleep especially on my sides like I used to as pressure is awful and wake up heart beating fast don’t know if that’s palpitations or not but it’s awful ,, do You get bloated tummy too I’ve found since I’ve started these feels so tight upper area and I’m same I just feel half okay take my tablet and then it starts bad again just keeps happening and doesn’t seem to be easing so I totally get you there and understand you don’t wish for it to be worse I really feel for you ,, I totally get you 100 percent that your days revolve about the worry of this ,, how long before your symptoms started if you don’t mind me asking as mine wasn’t straight away it was after a month which confuses me so I’m sorry I don’t know if it eases ,, Its awful you have had stress and hope that situation is easing for you as that will not be helping you ,, I did a post on here and someone suggested deep breathing technique maybe it could help you too as like they said it’s your mind focusing on it and just need to take control back ,, wish you well and hope you feel well real soon ,,take care x
Hiya, I suffer from ectopics, I'm on 10mg of bisoperol and I weigh a little over 9 stone. I still have ectopics on 10mg of bisoperol but a lot less. I've also given up caffeine on my Cardiologists advice. Bisoperol isn't great, but probably the lesser of the evils at the moment.
You poor thing.These are horrible things to have.l have had the m since l was 30.l am in my fifties now.whilst everyone is different these are the things l do to minimise the problem.No caffeine,alcohol in small quantities only on high days and holidays.So basically l go for months without drinking.Regular gentle exercise and it’s very important to relax.Much ,much easier said than done l know!Try and find a distracting hobby and above all DO NOT google your condition,that would give even the most chilled person palpitations.I have taken Bisoperodol in varying quantities for the last 20 years and apart from feeling very lethargic have been lucky enough not to have any other side effects.l find that exercising in the morning helps with the lethargyThe beta blockers don’t do any thing for my palpitations but they make me feel calmer and less bothered by them.l still have my moments but on the whole l have learned to live with them but it’s taken some time and you have my utmost sympathy.
I took them and they made my ectopic beats a lot worse. I got my doctor to change them to another one which are fine.
Hi surreychica 1 do you mind if I ask you what tablets you were given instead of bisoprolol? I’ve just been prescribed Diltiazen instead of bisoprolol for my ectopic beats and hoping to feel better on them
Yes he has given me "insucor 2.5 mg made by Glenmark. It doesnt have much affect on my ectopic beats. I take just half in the evening. It lowers my heart rate and blood pressure a little. Do not think it does a thing for my ectopic beats.
Thankyou for replying I have been given Diltiazen to try and am waiting for appointment with an ep trying not to stress as it’s making me worse but it’s worrying when you don’t know what’s going on!
I agree with you. It is worrying, you cannot help but worry when it has to do with your heart. I hope you are able to work something out. Look at food and drink. The thing that gave me the worst ectopic beats was Robinsons Summer fruit drink of all things!!
As above, I don't really have much to add but I sympathise.
I too take bisoprolol and they did up my dose as my beats started coming through again, it still does it now it's as if my tablets aren't working as my hearts normal speed again etc.
I too do the eat correctly, hardly any sugar in take, no alcohol, no caffeine, no snacks only have set meal times etc. I have noticed with mine the longer I'm on my feet or the hotter I feel seems to trigger them off more and also when I'm really relaxed like laying in bed just settling to go to sleep.
My cardiologist said don't worry about them as there only benign and it doesn't interfere with your body's natural pace maker but it still makes my belly uneasy when it happens. I still work everyday and try and do all I can.
And definitely try your best to cut your stress out that is a killer for them, I've only just learnt to be relaxed and not get myself wound up etc (had anger issues in the past) you'll get through it we all will together
Hi Ninaroo2002 I was on 1.25 of bisoprolol for ectopic beats and am also had mri scan with dye 10 days ago still waiting on results! After 6 weeks of feeling dreadful on them I asked cardiologist on telephone consultation if I could stop and he told me to just stop which I did !! 4 days ago sleeping much better now and not breathless anymore, but still feel a bit spaced out when I’m walking outside ! Wonder if they’re still in my system? Good luck with your results and new tablets hope they are better for you