Hi, i,m on 3.75 Bisoprolol due to AT fib and ectopic beats and makes my chest feel like some thing happening in it every day ,not all the time but seem to notice it more in the evening and when i,m lying in bed, just wondering does anyone else have the same feelings, mainly ectopic heart beats, havent had at fib for a couple of months ,and that was when i stopped taking meds for a while . And what do you do to try and cope with this ?
at fib and ectopic beats: Hi, i,m on... - British Heart Fou...
at fib and ectopic beats

Hi Mobyfool , I too have suffered with ectopic beats for the past 35yrs , the only thing I can honestly say that has made any difference for me is taking Magnesium taurate daily . Please take a look at Dr Sanjay Gupta on youtube, he is a consultant cardiologist in York and produces information videos which I found to be absolutely free from medical jargon , easy to understand,informative and reassuring , these were a real lightbulb moment for me and only wished I had found him 35 yrs ago . Good luck and I am sure you will find a lot of friendly advice here .
Do you keep a detailed daily health and activity diary as that may help you identify causes when things are especially bad or those times when you feel better.
Diet, drink, the weather, pollution, cleaning fluids, electro magnetic interference, anxiety, sleep patterns, general health, weight and much more can all have an impact
I got an ablation which fixed the AF problem and the ectopic beats
I don't think it wise to take anything that is not prescribed until you have seen the cardiologist and asked for an opinion, especialy since there are so many magnesium compounds. If your bloods show magnesium to be normal then extra might make it worse. Mine aren't and I take magnesium titrate daily.
With regard to A.Fib and ectopics, I have paroxysmal A.Fib and have learned to live with the ectopics, although they do indeed feel very strange, and like you, also noticeable when sitting down, resting etc. I think that maybe due to the fact that there is nothing actively happening to distract me.
Yes mine is worse at night, I get dizzy turning over in bed
I got ectopics following a quad CABG in June 2023. They come on at night for me too, but generally happen when I’m busy (which is pretty much every day!) However, over Christmas when on annual leave they stopped. They came back once I’d been back at work a week or so.
Good to hear same for you too, though does suggest we should lead more leisurely lives!
Have been on Bisoprol ,for years,to date I have not had any of the problems that you name, I only wish that I could be of more assistance.
I have had a pacemaker fitted and ablation done to my heart rate is low & very stable so I don’t need to take Bisoprolol any more. I found all the medications I took only worked for a while. Much better now had pacemaker fitted at Stoke hospital 😊😊