Can somebody tell me what these are on my smartwatch ECG? I feel like my hearts skipping beats and this is getting quite frequent now! Had it about a week and not sure why they don’t go away.
Extra beats? Missed beats? - British Heart Fou...
Extra beats? Missed beats?

Not medically trained, but it looks like single focal PVC's to me. It's considered an ectopic beat coming from the ventricle vs a PAC, which stems from the Atria.
Have you asked your EP or Cardiologist about wearing a holter monitor? Also you could ask them about a small dose trial of Flecainide. It's been known to help with PVC's.
NO one on here is medically trained to read an ECG. You need to take or email it to your GP . There are numerous reasons for irregular or premature beats. ECtopics (palpitations) can be completely harmless and made worse by stress but only a professional can read t hat. Your GP should do an ECG and book you to have a holter monitor for several days to see just where they come from.
Wow...I didn't know you could get an ecg reading from a smart watch....whatmake is it please ?
basically ECG is normal and occasional extra beat arising from ventricle. I am not a cardiologist but had to interpret ECG whilst being a practising G.P. From my perspective it can be considered normal but the most important thing to know if you have any symptoms. Are you on any medication? Thanks for showing.
I asked my cardio nurse and she said they were ectopic beats and nothing to worry about. I’m not on any medication as was told I don’t need to be.