I’m new here and in need of some help. Sorry in advance for the long message too.
I have undiagnosed chest pain. It’s now at the point that I’m struggling to sleep at all. My blood pressure has also increased significantly in the last 6 weeks, and I have no idea why. I’ve also been experiencing a pulse like pain in the temporal aorta along my hairline. It is not a typical headache, my temples do feel like they’re in a vice (and this has not gone away in the last 2-3 weeks) but the blood vessel throbs with my pulse and causes very little pain.
In February I was seen by A&E. I thought I’d had a heart attack. What I’d experienced was a decompression on the left hand side of my chest. It was sitting on a balloon and it suddenly deflating. I was rushed to hospital and told it was possibly an arrhythmia caused by medication I’d just been put on (methylphenidate and Mirtazapine). I was told to come off medication until my heart had been checked by cardiology. Due to lockdown I’m still waiting for this to happen.
This week I’ve had paramedics out to me because of high blood pressure, throbbing head. My bp was 181/114. They did an ecg which came back borderline. My bp had come down to 162/104 by the time the paramedics got to me, and had gone down to 148/89 by the time they had left. The following day I had to call 111 for a similar incident and they advised me to go to A&E, who said my bp was variable but couldn’t find anything despite the pain I was in.
My concern is that cerebral brain haemorrhages run in my dads side of the family. My dad, his father and his sister all died the same way. My father had a significant increase in chest pain and blood pressure before the cerebral haemorrhage event which killed him. He was 56.
My Gp seems to think this is all in my head and that it’s down to depression/anxiety, despite also having kidney pain for the last year and them finding blood when they have tested my urine several times over the last 6 months. I also have swelling in both ankles continuously, and on my left leg the swelling continues up my thigh.
My GP now believes this is fibromyalgia, even though I haven’t been physically examined for fibromyalgia, and is prescribing nerve blocking medication as well as amitriptyline, and morphine.
I’m scared that taking these will mask whatever’s really going on and I’ll follow my fathers footsteps. I’m a single parent with very little family support, I need to be around for my kids.
Could this be a heart problem that hasn’t yet been picked up, or temporal arteritis? My Gp keeps telling me my bloods are fine - there’s nothing wrong!
I’d really appreciate any light you can shed on this.