Hi all,
I have been suffering with a heart issue since the beginning of April 2023. I had been having a few palpitations leading up to a stag do in which I drank alcohol heavily during 3 days. On the 3rd day the palpitations came and I started to get an overwhelming sensation in my chest that I was going to have a heart attack. I went to A&E and after running an ECG, blood tests and blood pressure test they concluded that I wasn’t at a threat of a heart attack and that I had just drank too heavily and discharged me. Over 24 hours later I wasn’t feeling any better so I went back to A&E, after the same tests I was discharged again and told I needed to rest but I should be back to normal soon enough. My blood pressure was slightly elevated at this point usually scoring around 140-150/90 but considering the amount of alcohol consumed it was nothing alarming.
It actually took me a couple of weeks for my heart to start feeling normal so I was suffering with the palpitations and overwhelming tightness pressure in the heart.
I booked to have a 24 hour ECG and an echocardiogram because despite doctors telling me there is nothing to worry about, I could feel that something serious is wrong. Because of waiting times it took a couple of months to get the test done however both results came back with no diagnosis. However the ECG did show that I had 2 incidences of AV right bundle block during the 24 hours.
Fast forward to October, despite so alcohol involved this time my symptoms started coming back and were progressively getting worse. The overwhelming sensations in my chest feel like a heart attack and that I’m going to die. This time however my blood pressure has been out of control and I now require medication to help keep it down. Again each time I went to A&E I was discharged with no findings.
I have seen gone to see a cardiologist who wanted me to do a cardiac CT angiogram and a kidney scan on top of what I had already done. The results from these tests came back also flawless with no diagnosis of any kind. The cardiologist now wants me to do a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring despite the fact that I have now started taking ramipril 5mg everyday to control my blood pressure.
I feel like I’m getting nowhere with trying to figure out what is wrong with my heart. I’ve been suffering for a long time now and large parts of my life have been put on hold because of this. I can’t eat any food with sodium because it makes my blood presssure go out of control and I can’t exercise. Anything over 100 beats per minute starts to give me heart issues.
I was wondering if anybody can relate to what I’m going through and maybe has had similar symptoms and could maybe give me some suggestions to what heart condition I could potentially have.
as you can see from the CT scan results my coronary arteries scored 0 and are completely clear. From the echocardiogram results you can see that all aspects of my heart are normal size and function.
the only abnormalities so far are the AV right bundle block that has been picked up on a couple of my ECGs and also the uncontrollable high blood pressure because of an undiagnosed reason.
any help or advice would be much appreciated.
please check the rest of my results in the replies below.