For the last month l have been in constant stabbing pain in the left hand side of chest and sternum pain like pressure (someone sat on me!), this then travels up into shoulder, upper back and jaw. I am finding it dibilating. Have had ECG, at the doctor's for one minute duration and he has said that it shows nothing alarming. BP is low, dropping in the evening to approx 90 45. GP is referring me back to Bristol Heart Institute for follow up. Feeling very overwhelmed, not one to rest and sit still but have no energy, feel like l am going to collapse at any point when pain is bad. Looking for some guidance on what to do next.
Chest resisting into shoulder pain - British Heart Fou...
Chest resisting into shoulder pain

*chest pain graduating into shoulder/jaw
With any new chest pain, you should really be going to A&E or at least calling 111. However, 111 may also give you the same advice.
Do you know how long the referral will take to the Bristol Heart Institute? If it’s going to take a while, I would touch base with your GP and ask for further investigations. An ECG is not enough to rule out problems with the heart. You can also ask your GP to expedite the referral by sending a follow up email to the hospital as a matter of urgency.
If you find the GP is not being co-operative, you can put in a complaint to the surgery, although I appreciate that it perhaps something you don’t want to do when you’re already feeling poorly.
Please don’t hesitate to call 999 next time you have chest pain and feel like you will pass out. I hope you have family members or friends that can support you at this time.
All the best.
I’d personally call 999 while you’re having the pain, they can do an ECG and see what’s going on.
As Tos92 advised. When I had heart attack ecg said I wasn't. I would ring 111 or as Tos92 said. Hope things improve for you 🤞
Hi…..I had very similar symptoms. Exactly same result on ECG. However, it takes more than an ECG at the Drs to rule anything out. Don’t ignore it and definitely don’t hang around for referrals. We live a very healthy life. Never smoked, seldom drank and regular exercise. Healthy diet too. I was admitted by paramedics. Again, ECG showed nothing but wanted to take me anyway. No argument from me. Not wanting to frighten you with any of this. Blood tests and angiogram showed 3 totally blocked and 1 almost blocked artery. I underwent a quad bypass in June. Thankful we acted and enjoying life. Please call 999 and get it looked at properly x
Thank you for your reply. I know something is wrong but feel I am being a burden on an already overstretched system. I am so pleased to read you managed to get a diagnosis, must have been scary. Are you feeling much better now after your bypass?
Thank you again for replying , it makes me feel less self conscious.
You are more than welcome. You are not being a burden and I would certainly get checked out again. Only you know how you are feeling. You only get one chance and I for one know it.
Now I am fully recovered I can look back and realise actually how unwell I was. I didn’t think I was quadruple heart bypass material. That was a shock.
Please keep us posted on what happens next? If you have any doubts about what you are told, push push push them. Please xx
Deffo 111 or 999. Any chest pain is probably a 999. That’s the message on my GP surgery phone when you call. I had an Nstemi heart attack last July. When the medics arrived they hooked me up to ECG and said “you’re heart is fine , whatever had hall had passed” . If it wasn’t for their insistence that I should go to hospital with them for a blood test the outcome for me might have been a lot worse. I waited from 13:00-23:00 in the corridor if A&E for results of two blood tests. Very fed up. Doc eventually says “ I nearly sent you home, I thought I was sending you home. You’re first result was 74 , you’re second count was 402, you’ve had a heart attack!”
Aldo’s, I had been to my GP about 6 weeks before as I had been suffering a lot with “ fatigue” . I thought my testosterone had dropped. I didn’t have energy to do my farm chores and my weight training regime. I’d get in and write my training plan out and fall asleep, then sack off training. Some mornings I dragged my my feet up to the farm yard next morning and be really slow .I was tested for B12, thyroid , testosterone etc, all normal . I didn’t present as cardiac risk , looked fit and strong and hood BP and heart rate . When I was in hospital and being transferred in ambulances I mentioned the fatigue to the cardiac staff and they said it was a significant indicator of a cardiac problem. I only mention this to impress upon you that it’s really worth calling 999/111 instead of the GP. The other thing is , if you do have a heart issue and it is deemed urgent ( heart attack like me, I thought it had trapped wind) you will be in the system and dealt with in a timely manner rather than be in a wait list ! Wishing you all the best.
Thank you for your reply. Sometimes you feel like you are imagining it but in your case, right to go to hospital. I hope you are feeling better and able to get back to your farm duties and weight lifting.
6 months down the line after 4xCABG , I was back on my motorbike after 2 months , smashed NHS level 3 cardiac rehab , back to outdoor chores , yoga classes . Cardiac coach online overseeing weight training and running. Been running 5-7k. You need to get yourself sorted 👍🏻 Don’t sit back and wait with those symptoms.
go to A&E and go now - don’t wait - not worth the risk
I'm another one who had several ecgs, all raised no alarm and I was told it was not my heart despite presenting with chest, neck and jaw pain.I phoned 111. Went to hospital and blood tests showed I had had a heart attack.
I wouldn't take the ecg as confirmation everything is OK in all honesty. Get yourself up to the hospital would be my advice.
I hope you get the help you need. Take care.
I’m not a medic but your symptoms sound very similar to what I experience with pericarditis. I started feeling very unwell in September 2022, intermittent pain / constant heavy feeling across left side of chest, radiating into my shoulder, neck and arm, with occasional heart palpitations. I left it for 3 weeks as thought I’d just got a virus and getting a GP appointment is difficult. I eventually went to A&E as the pain at night when i tried to lie down was unbearable and I couldn’t sleep. All my tests, ECG, bloods and xray confirmed i hadn’t had a heart attack but an echocardiogram confirmed pericarditis with pericardial effusion. It’s extremely painful and makes you feel really unwell. I had a high heart rate, breathlessness and lightheaded like I was going to pass out!
Don’t wait for another bout of pain, if you remain concerned go to A&E, tell them you have chest pain and they will take you seriously. Just be prepared to be there for a while.
Hi, I had mainly shoulder pain, tight chest. AE sent home first time. 2 blood trop levels same. Second time trop tests rose, slightly, luckily they did third blood test ant trop result tripled. 2 stents fitted. I think I was borderline, hard to detect from ecg. Maybe similar to you? 👍
Thank you for your reply. It is frustrating when ECG'S don't pick things up. I hope you are now feeling better after having two stents fitted. Has you r shoulder pain gone now? Take care x
A&E are much more thorough than GPs in my experience- they will give you a proper check
your referral coould take a while to produce an appointment so do not wait until the pain is unbearable - if the pain lasts more than 10 minutes without improving after usuing techniques which have helped in he past you should get medical advice, call 111 at least
there are plenty of heat-related conditions which do not show the "classic" signs as recognisable sesations or on test results - so if this is happening repeatedly it needs attention
if you end up in A&E i suggest to ask them to inform the Bristol Heat Institute, or request copies of any correspondence so that you can pass it on yourself - i would inform GP too, it can take weeks for reports to go from A&E to other relevant people/departments due to pressures on the admin staff
Thank you. You are right, it takes time for referrals. I have been keeping a diary of symptoms daily with BP and HR as requested by the cardiologist. Seeing the nurses at my gp practice twice a week as my inr is all over the place! I also have a folder with all the paperwork of admissions, discharge and ambulance readings of AF and heart palpitations - I feel I am a bit over managing ( must be the project manager in me!).
alarming! You say your GP is referring you back to the BHI. Are you already under the heart team?
Yes l had emergency OHS for Aortic Aneurysm, hole, tear , valve failure and a clot in May last year. Still in AF with bad symptoms and pain which will not go away. Low BP etc. l really appreciate BHI, they saved my life. I am now unable to work and hopefully retiring in the next couple of weeks at 49 which is quite hard for me to get my head round as l have always been a healthy on the go person.
You have been through the mill and that’s for sure. I hope they get on top of your symptoms quickly. Do you have access to the HF Advance Care Practitioners at the cardiac unit. They were a godsend when I was unwell and a fantastic route to the consultant. Good luck
I literally feel your pain!
I am 5 days post op double bypass.
I've been told the op went well, and was discharged home yesterday. I can walk independently, even up and downstairs.
However, I have constant pain in my shoulders, upper back, breast and chest areas.
My advice is don't be shy about pain relief, listen to your body although the exercises are important remember you need plenty of rest .
I am living in hope this pain is only temporary, and thank my lucky stars I've been given this new chance at life.
Take care, will be thinking of you.
Thank you! Fingers crossed the pain is temporary and your recovery is swift. Taking the painkillers, having bloods checked twice a week and GP call once a week to see how l am.
Please keep us updated on your recovery.