Hi I'm hveng dreadful constant headaches had 3 stent in on August headaches constant at temples back ears on all usual tablets 0fir stents had 2 blood tests done showng nothg anyone think it could b any of tablets ? Paying massage 3 time week no make any difference any help would b good
Headaches : Hi I'm hveng dreadful... - British Heart Fou...

I find the use of a cool pack helps. It’s just a large gel pack that moulds to your body that is sold for sports injuries. I keep it in the fridge.

There is a possibility it could be related to your medication. Please could you list them as there are numerous types making it impossible to guess...
Have you been keeping a record of your blood pressure? If so what is it doing? Up, down always the same.....
so it;s not high bp causing headaches..... make an appointment with your GP.
Up all time at drs they say tension ???

Thank you for clarifying your medication. The ones that are linked most with headaches are the nitrates (e.g. GTN spray, Isorbide Mononitrate) and CCIs (calcium channel inhibitors like Diltiazem). However, you are not on any of these and have not got hypotension which can cause headaches but usually accompanied by dizziness. I am also happy to know you are on Atorvastatin rather than Avastin.
Do you worry a lot about anything? If so something like yoga might be beneficial.