I'm new. I had 2 stents 9 months ago. I've been having back pain on the side where the stents are. It's a stabbing pain. Dr's. say they don't know why and it should go away. It's still here. Anyone having this problem?
Stent pain: I'm new. I had 2 stents... - British Heart Fou...
Stent pain

Not sure of you medications and history but from personal experience it sounds similar to my problem, lots of pain up to month 12 then I came of my blood thinners ( Ticagrelor ) and I felt better within days.
Hope that helps.
Are you sure it is stent related?
I guess we still suffer from the 'run of the mill' strains, aches and pains that non-stented people get.
I have been extraordinarily lucky after my heart attack and stents and have had no post op issues at all. I sincerely hope your current worry is resolved soon.
Yes, I'm sure. I know my body and what is the normal pain. I've had a high pain tolerance all my life. It all started right after the stents. I'm not the type of person that whines about a little pain. Some times, I have to tell myself to slow down. Thank you for your info and time to reply. Take care
Hi , I had one stent in February and have suffered aches and pains ever since. some say its the stent settling ,others the side effects of the statins , it can also be anxiety ,but I agree its damn uncomfortable .
Hi. Immediately post stent I discovered I had Dressler’s syndrome which is an inflammatory response to the poking around it settled but I still get twinges 10 months on. And now have developed a thoracic spine issue probably because I was sleeping and sitting awkwardly!! Never blooming well ending!! I agree you know your own body so I wonder if it’s worth going back to the cardiologist to discuss. It’s so frustrating isn’t it. Hope it settles. Take care. Zena
How was it discovered that you have Dressler's? I don't know what that is. Thank you for your time. Crystal
Hi Crystal it’s an inflammatory response in the heart to trauma. A type of pericarditis. I don’t remember having any specific tests it’s just the doctor that I saw when I went in as an emergency said given my previous history of an immune reaction and the heart attack and stent he made the clinical diagnosis. Everything has settled now. I think you should continue to return to your doctor to discuss your pain. I hope all gets sorted soon. Take care. Zena
I also suffer sporadic pain in my back, just to the right of my spine below the shoulder area. Discussed with my cardiologist who suggested it may be muscle spasm's, he couldn't offer any other solution. The pain only comes on after doing some physical work, but not gym work, sitting and resting it slowly fades away, if I carry on and try to ignore it it just gets worse. The GTN spray helps to reduce the pain but then I get a bad head so don't want to use it unless I have to. I am now 2 1/2 years post MI and 5 stents with a 100% blocked right artery, but life is good!