Hello! I wanted to share my recent success with plaque psoriasis.
(Backstory alert - skip to last couple of paragraphs for "point"š) - I've had psoriasis for several years now. Started with guttate psoriasis about 7 years ago (though at the time, I thought it was just a rash/an allergic reaction). About a year after that cleared (it disappeared within 2 months), I started having plaque psoriasis on my elbows. I had a bad reaction to medication. In fact, it made the area worse with noticable burn scarring. So, I was put on oat-based lotion which was fine. However, over the following years, I developed plaque psoriasis on my knees and thigh, and random small plotches started appearing elsewhere, as well as scalp psoriasis.
I have tried different body creams and lotions with mixed results. I have also considered diet as a factor.
I didn't put the two and two together at the time, but I was diagnosed with severe vitamin D deficiency about a year before the first rash/sign of psoriasis. At the time, I was also going through heavy grief that would have caused some damage to my nervous system and health in general.
I have been taking vitamin D suppliments on and off for a number of years since diagnosis.
However, only once I started taking 20ng of Vitamin D3 on a daily basis, in addition to a consistant intake of D2 in my diet, coupled with regular use of Shea-based body butters and shampoos, that I started seeing remarkle results!
I am about a year into this ritual and I can safely say that it has made a noticable difference.
I hope this is helpful for someone out there. Sharing the love!