I am new to having Psoriasis (only diagnosed in the last 3 months) and my GP is useless at helping me manage it and I have seen a dermatologist once for about 5 minutes a month ago and waiting for my next appointment where I am having a biopsy.
Has anyone had any luck with diet? I eat a lot of vegetables anyway and have researched into anti-inflammatory foods and been told it helps to cut down on alcohol, dairy and caffeine. These are my 3 favourite things so naturally I'm pretty miffed about it and someone recently mentioned in a post that it can be linked to gluten, which is another favourite of mine! Has anyone had any luck with reducing things in their diet and it having a positive effect?
Little bit of background: I have Psoriasis on most of my body. Started on my scalp then a month later pretty much covered my body, arms and legs. I've had multiple blood tests and been told my blood count, immune system etc is absolutely fine and also I have found when I have gotten stressed, it flares up all over my body just as it is starting to go down. I am using Dovobet, Eumovate, Diprosalic solution, Cocois ointment, coconut oil, and Alphosyl / T-Gel. Also tried HumanKind Organics shampoo but it makes my scalp tender and dried out but does stop the itching. I've tried Sudocreme on my scalp but just makes my hair clump up.
As I mentioned, I have no idea how I am supposed to be managing this as my only help so far has been this messaging board (Thank you HealthUnlocked) so tips, suggestions, warning and advise are welcome.