I have suffered with plaque Psoriasis since the age of 12 (onset = Trauma related due to being hit by a car at that age & fracturing my pelvis ) (im now 50 years old)
My skin Psoriasis has very fortunately been under control for over a year now, since finding out I was vitD deficient & treatment for that seems to have helped it immensely.
My granddad suffered with Psoriasis, I think (was too young to remember) he also had Psoriatic arthritis? & major heart disease that took his life.
Over the last few years I have suffered with various joint pain issues mainly in hips/lower back/ knees.
Sometimes swollen red toes, swollen top of finger joints.
Feet & ankle pain & swelling (this doesn't happen to both feet at the same time)
Mouth sore patches & boil type lesions on tongue, mouth ulcers,etc
Eye problems / vascular (all these symptoms can be because I have another autoimmune 'Behçets Disease' that presents in flare ups this way, especially the mouth & eye issues)
Over the last 8 weeks I have had terrible inside left knee pain that's restricting my walking , sitting etc & hip & Lower back pain, restricting bending, extreme fatigue.
Mouth issues (geographical tongue & ulcers)
My finger nails have had horizontal ridges for years , however lately the ridges are very prominent & restict nail growth by constantly splitting.
I have always put these symptoms down to my Behçets Disease, but now after some self research I'm thinking Psoriatic Arthritis?💡
I have recently undergone a very traumatic Endoscopy & last week a lletz/loop procedure for precancerous cells removal, that I'm still recovering from (causing lots of stress/worry & upset lately)
The Psoriasis plaque on my very painful knee has also come back!
Maybe these procedures have caused a bad flare?
I havent had chance to speak to my Dr's about my bad pain as yet , due to far too much going on in regards to those other procedures & results. So thought I'd hop on here & hopefully, kindly get some insight from the Psoriasis community? ♡
Thank you for reading me & any advice or insight would be very welcomed as always 😊