Hi, so first post on here, I'm just wondering how you all love yourselves? I've been suffering with zero self love for a very long time...maybe since 2008 and it's only gotten worse. I've always been a bit overweight, I weight the most I've ever weighed 230lbs for someone who is only 5'2. I only want to get to 200 lbs because that was a healthy weight for me but even then I hated everything about me. How do I love the plus size body I am?
Hate myself no matter my size: Hi, so first... - Beyond Body Size
Hate myself no matter my size

I certainly understand a lack of self confidence which only a person in our shoes can understand. Everything can become a struggle even going shopping or anywhere you see people who we perceive are starting at us with disdain. However...through prayer and making a concentrated effort to look my best when I go somewhere has helped. I have come to know I am made the way I am for a purpose and so are you! I know it can be very tough but I also take my diet one day at a time. I mess up and start over (and over and over).
You just got to love you. There’s no secret about that. Don’t focus on your outer appearance focus on the health benefits. You are pretty short, fun size. But don’t let that discourage you from being the best version of you that you can be. Self love comes from acknowledging that you’re a human being and we all make mistakes. There’s only 1 life to live don’t waste it in not loving or caring about yourself. You have a true beauty hidden beneath your self-esteem just gotta find it. And regarding weight look at intermittent fasting and a keto base diet. I lost 44 lbs in 2 months. So I know you can too, just have to be committed and focus.. NO CHEAT DAYS!! Eliminate everything from white flour, bread, rice..... sugary drinks. Replace with water and sparkling water if you want that fizz