About my Mum, this is the very first time I've dreamt of her and it disturbed me strangely enough.
I have always hoped I would dream of Mum or Dad but .....
Have you dreamt of your loved one?
About my Mum, this is the very first time I've dreamt of her and it disturbed me strangely enough.
I have always hoped I would dream of Mum or Dad but .....
Have you dreamt of your loved one?
always. I dream every night and remember them. I can also interact with them which is apparently rare. I was having a lovely dream the other night. I was abroad & was walking along the rd when I saw my sister sat on a stall up at a bar with a glass of wine. The sun was shining & the sea was a clear blue. Everything was perfect. I was so pleased to see her. I gave her a big hug & then went & spoilt it all by saying -your not meant to be here your dead Woke up crying. This often happens with both my sister & my daughter. Why can’t I just enjoy being them.
What disturbed you Chloe?
My, that's does seem rare Caza
What a lovely dream though, perfect as you say if you hadn't mentioned her death. It is amazing how our minds work, fascinating really.
It wasn't a horrible dream, stupidly I'd asked her to undo my knitting as I'd made a mistake. When I woke I was very upset about it, I've never dreamt of either of them before, so I should have been pleased but I was thinking why now? I heard a stupid saying years ago, that if you dream of past family members, they're waiting for you, so I thought omg they're waiting for me! and it scared me, how daft is that?
Pretty daft!!! I think my girls will be too busy partying to be sitting around waiting for me!!
Know what you mean though. I once read that if you go to bed thinking of your past loved ones then they will visit you & put something in your hand. So off to bed I went thinking of my daughter sure enough she came & put something in my hand & then she left. I looked down at my hand & it was bleeding she’d put a very prickly rose in my hand. Not sure what that was meant to mean but I didn’t try it again!
I’m alway sad the next day if I dream about my husband, even if was a nice dream. It just adds to my missing him. I often dream of my grandparents. My last dream of my husband he was cold and scared and didn’t want to leave me, no comfort at all. Yours sounded a lovely dream, wanting your mums help. I hope you can reflect on it and feel comfort, she would have helped with yr knitting. I don’t think it means your times nearly up tho dreaming about her, just she’s in your thoughts and always in yr heart. Take care 🦊x
Oh dear Hidden
That must have been upsetting for you. It sounds as though you dream about your husband quite often, so I hope you have some positively happy and comforting dreams too
Thank you x
yes many times and woke up tearful after som of them.