What about Valentine’s Day makes it a joyous occasion when everyone you’ve loved dearly is dead? Oh sure, we have all other types of love…that don’t replace who we are accustomed to.
Grief : What about Valentine’s Day... - Bereavement Care ...

Holidays are always hard when you lost a love. I have a friend who lost 2 loves her life very tragically. The first was her first husband. That were 2 peas in a bod. They were a perfect match. Sadly he passed after a brief battle with stage 4 kidney cancer. She mourned him. After some years she later remarried but it didn't quite work out and that ended in divorce. She later join a support group for widows and widowers . There she met the 2nd love of her life. He was there because he lost his wife to cancer as well. They bonded over the arts, cats and fondness for dancing. Eventually they got engaged. But he got cancer however it was caught early. He was being treated for it. Everything was going good. One day he complained about a sinus infection. He went to the ER hoping to get on some antibiotics and be home. He checked into the hospital and never checked out. Unfortunately the chemo therapy treatment left him vulnerable and that simple infection lead to sepsis. And he passed away.
She was very hurt. I think what helped her was the pets and she is a counselor. But I know holidays are still hard for her. Because there are 2 people she would definitely love to see again.
Wishing you healing and love 🫂❤️
as C L says holidays are always hard. I tend to ignore most them if I can. Christmas for me always hits me hard no matter how much I prepare for it.
Feel for you