If you're in the UK, how's the weathe... - Bereavement Care ...

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If you're in the UK, how's the weather this evening?

chloe40 profile image
30 Replies

The wind is very strong at the moment and very noisy too, dread going to bed, it's so disturbing.

What about where you are, is all calm?

Do take extra care of yourselves wherever you are.

Chloe <3

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chloe40 profile image
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30 Replies
kenster1 profile image

its been teaming down all day wind is not that bad think the rain has calmed down for now.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to kenster1

Hi Kenny kenster1

We had lots of rain earlier bit that's now replaced with the gusting winds ugh!


kenster1 profile image
kenster1Volunteer in reply to chloe40

my dog doesn't like the rain as soon as I pick up her jacket she runs ive left it on for the next time mind you.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to kenster1

Animals are super sensitive to variations in everything! My cat cries at night when its windy, she hates it, so another bad night for me tonight!


in reply to chloe40

What sort of cat have you got? We have an extremely spoilt elderly ginger tabby called baby who is 16 in April!

Earlier on we got soaked when we went out to an art gallery so we decided to stay in this evening as we are away in Swansea for the weekend so had decided on museums and art galleries when they said about the weekend storm and save the outdoor activities for another day!

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Hi Hidden

I have an Oriental, very vocal and very spoilt!

Shame the weather spoiled you're plans hope it will be better for you today, not the case here I'm afraid , it's really blustering!

Take care whatever you do x


in reply to chloe40

It's just a reflection of how life is isn't it how it's often the case that plans have to change. I wasnt upset over it as I would rather be safe than sorry so staying away from the river valleys and the coast was the best option and something else always turns up doesnt it that wouldn't have if you had got your way!

If we always got our way and everything we wanted life would be predictable and boring and often I find that it's the case that not getting what I wanted when I look back was a blessing in disguise as perhaps the thing I wanted wasn't what was right for me.

The outdoor activities are things that can easily be done another day and the weather is one of those things that's beyond anyone's control.

Pontypridd town centre in the valleys has flooded after the river taff burst it's banks last night.

Today we have had an extra long lie in and are having a brunch a bit later on so not got a lot planned for today.

A lesson I have learned from my experiences is that most of life is beyond my control but I can control my behaviour towards it say like putting in a backup plan when I have arranged things so if the first thing falls through then I do the back up!

An example of this is last month I was going to go to a Welsh coffee morning at the local chapel on the Saturday that I was looking forward to and on the Thursday night received an e mail saying it wasn't going ahead!

At first I was disappointed which is natural as it shows you are interested in something when you feel that way when told something isn't happening but then I got out my list of back up ideas and decided to go to the heath park instead which I enjoyed and had gone to a dessert parlour on the way back and I find often these disappointments can be the best thing that could have happened to you.

Baby and her mum are fine as we have just rung them up to see how they are and she agrees that it's true that things happen for a reason but you don't say that to someone who is visibly upset over something though.

Maybe it does but it's not up to you to make that kind of decision.

I personally have become a strong believer in that things happen for a reason but that's my way of accepting the things that have happened to me and coming to peace with them and would never say that to someone who's upset over something as its not kind and when someone is visibly upset I do my best to sympathise with them!

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Thank you for your reply Hidden

I also feel things happen for a reason and try my best to move on from the disappointment I may feel at the time, it doesn't always work of course but I do try.

Really sorry to read about the flooding of Pontypridd town centre, so many river banks have burst their banks, something that was rarely heard of in the past.

I'm pleased your 'baby and Mum' are fine too!

Stay safe and whatever you decide to do, I hope it brings you some satisfaction.


chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to


I have just seen on TV the devastating damage the weather has caused with the river Taff bursting it's bank. The pictures of the High Street shows water levels so high that a state of emergency has been called. I am so sorry, I hadn't realised just how bad it was for you. I hope that everyone has the strength to get through this and I am thinking of you all. Such a tragic event affecting so many peoples lives.

Take care and please keep in touch.

Chloe x

in reply to chloe40

We don't live in pontypridd itself but I have friends that do.

We live in Cardiff so it's not been too bad here.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Really hope you and your friends stay safe <3

I just pray the worst of the weather is now coming to an end, it's just so awful!

in reply to chloe40

I've been really upset this morning over something that was said to me online that really hurt my feelings.

What it was was that there was a you tube video about nantgarw and the floods at pontypridd and I had said that I was sorry for those affected and some idiot had said there are worse things in life and I just felt extremely angry and said how people who trivialise others problems really aggravate me and also when it's done to me personally as I had this growing up ad infinitum and it drives me crackers and it's hurtful and it cuts off communication and it's like slamming the door in someone's face and I think it's worse than the original problem myself!

I then said how what's silly to one person isn't to someone else and they told me I wasn't well and this really upset me as in what way does saying how something upsets you mean you aren't well as we all have things that upset us and often we don't quite understand why.

With this I do understand why it upsets me it's because it's not nice to make out things that cause people problems are silly as its a problem to that person and we are all different and have had different upbringings which I feel is what appears silly to one isn't to another.

Perhaps if my difficulties when I was growing up hadn't been trivialised I would feel different but it's just how it is but it helps to have an understanding of why I feel the way I do when my problems and others are trivialised into things that are stupid and petty.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Morning Hidden

I'm so sorry that insensitive person has upset you. You cannot trivialise the destruction and upset caused to those involved in this terrible incident.

Please please don't let a mindless person cause you so much hurt and it is hurt your feeling right now, there are many lovely caring people out here who do understand.

Let us know how you are later today<3


in reply to chloe40

I feel a lot better now I have had time to talk it over with my sister in law baby the cats mum who said she had seen it on the news as well and said she found it shocking as well and it was normal that I felt upset.

She said to take no notice of that stupid poster on you tube and says that where there's no sense there's no feeling and no the devastation there isn't something silly and trivial as its a shocking event to go through for those people and that trivialising things when someone's upset makes things worse and with me it had upset me because it reminded me of my own experiences when I had things trivialised that I had found upsetting at the time and I think trivialising when someone's upset isn't a very nice thing to do and is worse than the original problem itself.

I know cognitively that that poster is stupid and insensitive but this morning it just made me so angry the way that they trivialised what those poor people are going through if that explains anything and yes it is a feeling of hurt that wells up in me when I am really upset over something only to have it trivialised as its like slamming a door in someone's face and is extremely hurtful.

Hi Chloe, I live in a forest and its rained all day and it's getting heavier the wind is howling and I don't risk driving through the forest in high winds without doing a risk assessment...

It is going to be a bad storm for some as the ground is so wet here it is literally oozing out of the ground so my thoughts are with those in the flood risk areas of Yorkshire and Cumbria.

And your cat sounds cute, so take care now everyone.

kenster1 profile image
kenster1Volunteer in reply to

I would love to live in a forest that would be so cool.

in reply to kenster1

Hi Kenny I'd be very happy living in Scotland as I think thats a fabulous environment as I love the lochs, my son studied at Stirling and would go hill running on the Ochils.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Hi Hidden

Yes, I imagine you have to be extra careful with your surroundings. It's so wet everywhere, can't wait for brighter weather, today is supposed to be bad too ugh!

Don't be deceived, she's a nightmare with the screaming voice!

Take care


in reply to chloe40

Hi Chloe, high winds cause lots of damage and we have to respect Mother Nature especially when she huffs and puffs.

I'm not far from one of the flood areas and last night I decided to go to sleep listening to the rain but I woke with a fright.

I enjoy staying warm and dry this weather and am baking some bread have my wood burner lit and music playing so things could be worse.

Hey she's a cute nightmare and you wouldn't be without her. 😊

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

We certainly do have to respect Mother nature Jerry.

Sorry you woke with a fright, I always thinks the noise of rain and wind can be quite spooky too!

Yes, baking is a great way to spend a day when the weather prevents us getting out.

Absolutely :-)


in reply to chloe40

Usually cats are vocal because they are spoilt!

One of my friends has a very vocal brown tabby cat called Luis!

Last year she had rung me up to see how I was after I had threatened to walk out of my old job after being treated badly and I could hear loud meows down the phone and I had blamed them on her elderly brown and white tabby Percy who is 16 the same age as baby is but no Percy was asleep and it was Luis the kitten attention seeking and her mother was like now Luis do you want to go outside trying to see what the meows were all about and no she hadn't wanted to go outside just attention seeking!

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Hi Hidden

Cats can be very demanding that for sure. The Oriental breeds are particularly vocal and you definitely know about it if they want anything.

The kitten certainly knows how to get her own way :-)


BetterFlyAway profile image

For the past few days the wind have been about 23 MPH here. I have been hearing strong winds before I go to bed at night and I have been quite scared. This is because there are major works taking place in the flats where I live. (scaffold and poles leading up to the forth floor) There are two cranes at the front and back of the grass area. I watched one swaying left to right one night and it scared me and hoped that it would not fall and crash on the flats.

Winds have calmed down today as it is only 14 MPH.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to BetterFlyAway

Hi there <3

That must have been really frightening with so much scaffolding around you! I think the winds are easy just now, so I hope all will be quiet for you tonight.

Chloe <3

Had winds of 70mph which came in gusts. The gates blew open. The sound of the wind whistled through an air vent. It was scary on Saturday and Sunday but today it is windy but not frightening. We have an old pussycat, a pretty brindle who is intelligent with ways of signalling her needs. We are devoted to the puss and she sets the day agenda. We are not sure who is boss but with her determination to keep going, we have a role model! Living on your own is different, and you are to be congratulated with the gales and storms not to feel overanxious.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to

Hi there Hidden

Those winds were really gusting, no wonder you were feeling

concerned, but today is quite a bit better.

It's so lovely that your cats determination shines through :-)

You're right of course, you should congratulate yourself on these achievements, well done!

Chloe <3

BetterFlyAway profile image

Thank you for your message. Yes, the winds have calmed down. I prayed the other night so god did answer my prayers. :) <3

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to BetterFlyAway

Vey pleased to read that <3


Clarrisa profile image

I saw photos of airline approaches down wind of your U.K. airports. One landed just short of sideways out of necessity. Enough even to make the hired (airline) hands turn green! Hope things have calmed down.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Clarrisa

Hi Clarrisa

Yes, It has been dreadful for many area, the flooding and destruction is being felt by many and it will take many months before it gets better, that's how bad it is.

I really feel for all those affected.

Thank you for your thoughts <3


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