Good morning everyone,
Here's a photo of tree frost I took this the other morning, I walked down my road a little way to get this view of the forest. To me it's more like an impressionist painting and I love witnessing the many facets of Mother Nature even though I'm apprehensive about Storm Ciara so stay safe everyone we had a dusting of snow over night here.
I find it very distracting from repetitive thought patterns to get out in nature and just enjoy every thing around me one method of refocusing my thoughts is too sit quietly and just concentrate on something simple like a single leaf and really look at it and compare to to leaves from the same tree/plant and notice the subtle deference's and this brings me bang into the present moment and the past is the past.
Life us what we make it and the more positive we can be the better especially about our selves as I think the more sensitive we are the harder to can be and you are all very sensitive human beings and I like that a lot. π
I love photo's like this as they are fleeting because as soon as the sun kisses the trees the frost is gone...