Are you able to to think about ways that get you through each day or maybe you just take it as it comes?
I'd love to hear from you and maybe we can share ideas to help us.
Are you able to to think about ways that get you through each day or maybe you just take it as it comes?
I'd love to hear from you and maybe we can share ideas to help us.
I have been thinking of doing a small thing that would be beneficial.
I want to give up takeaway coffee for a week.
It's kind of been fun to get a takeaway latte once or twice a week but gosh , it's very habit forming.
So here I go...
Maybe other members' are giving things up as a way to improve?
Hello Greyone,You do surprise me. Can you not reduce it to a once week treat, rather than give up something you enjoy, especially at the moment when we're forced to give up so much?
You're choice of course, and I have heard that coffee shop coffee is particularly nice and yes habit forming. I know of some who go out of their homes just to buy it 2 or 3 times a day, says it all really!
Me, I'm not planning on giving up anything during this difficult time in fact, I am more pro to treating yourself if only to get through it, we have to have something to look forward to right?
I used to treat myself on a Friday afternoon as a way to wind down. Now its on Saturday. So i thought i could just do this for one week only.That does not see to be too harsh - Not sure how to decide when i deserve a treat in these parlous times.
By all means give it a try Greyone
Do we have to deserve a treat? I know I used to say just that, but this past year has made me think very differently, and now I don't think about whether I deserve it, everyone deserves a treat of some form for just getting through this
That is a very good point. This morning when i was in Tescos, i treated myself to a packet of orange bourbons and scoffed the lot standing outside watching the rain.
Maybe others here have ideas for what a treat is, should be and when. After my Hospital appointments , i sometimes unwind having a coffee at the train station. Not sure if that is ok or if i should be a bit braver.
Last year my treats were about £4.95 a week. Thought i'd try for £5 / month this year s a way to get a little healthier, save a few bob and strengthen my willpower.
Now that was lovely Greyone just getting yourself out there and doing the shopping is reason enough to have a treat, a whole packet ?
After those appointments is an especially good time for a coffee, no need to be brave.
I see your point, good reasons for sure.
Ya know. Its been one of those weeks so i thought i would tell you about it.
Tuesday was my regular hospital appointment and Wednesday, much to my delight was my 1st Covid vaccine day. And interspersed both days with lots of YouTube training and little time for anything else.
So after my Jab what did i do feeling so good? I decided a guilt free latte was in order. Just sitting back and enjoying a nice walk Latte without anything else going on in my head.
Next week though is blank at the moment so i might have another go and see if i can pick my days and treats carefully.
lots of housework couple of walks with the dog now having a beer.
I am still working as normal. I feel I have very little time to even think currently. I've taken to getting up even earlier to exercise before work as it helps balance my mental state.
Without normal life balance it can be exhausting. 😔 I miss my friends and little social life (I didn't think I was much of a social person until I couldn't)