Do you have blood relatives affected by Behcet... - Behçet's UK
Do you have blood relatives affected by Behcet's syndrome?
Yes, my sister has it. My parents and siblings all have some kind of autoimmune condition.
Hi John
I suspect that my mother might have a mild version as she has the aptheous ulcers (has had genital ulcers in the past) and was extremely cold feet - despite being warm to touch and has been checked out with ultrasounds etc for circulation. She also has Hashimoto's disease.
I have two brothers with sarcoidosis which apparently is pretty rare.
Hi John
I'm not diagnosed yet. Rheumy first thought Psoriatic arthritis. Then unsure. Hard to diagnose as I don't have Psoriasis. I have eczema/dermatitis on palms of hands & fingers. My brother has skin Psoriasis, but not arthritis as bad as I have. I have sero-negative spondyloarthropathy. My whole presentation is Lupus-like & Behcet's-like also Hypersensitivity arthritis-like also Enteropathic arthritis-like! I have severe MCS. I also think I may have Ehlers-Danlos of one type or another that includes the vascular.
Another brother has had Major Depression with a Psychosis & I'm wondering if he may have Behcet's or Lupus or maybe even a rare Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. A distant relative died in her sleep of an epileptic siezure after having a progressive form of epilepsy. This was back in early 1900s & there was an inquest, so there is a good description.
My mother's sister died young 35 after having a Pulmonary embolism after 4th child was born.
My mother's mother died of Myocarditis/Pericarditis after contracting iSpanish Influenza post birth of 5th child. Mother's brother died at 15 of Pneumonia & Empyema, after having Mumps.
My mother had some crippling sort of spondyloarthropathy too. Her hands in old age were very crippled.
My father had TIAs, blocked carotids needing surgery, abdo. aortic aneurysm & Vascular Dementia. He had some weird neuropathy/myopathy in calf of one leg.
Hi john
no-one else in my family has been diagnosed with behcets but the terrible ulcers are definately a family trate especially in the direct females [Mother, Aunt, Grandmother].