Hey ive finished my course of antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis (bv) but it somehwat feels like the medication hasn't worked very well for me? Most sympoms have cleared up like the inflammation around the opening and vulva of my vagina & discharge has gone from yellow back to white but my clitorous is pretty itchy and irritated.. i had a bit of skin torn there a week or 2 ago now but besides from that, Maybe its just itchy cause its healing or could it have lead to something more serious?.. could somebody give me answers
Whats could be wrong? : Hey ive finished my course of... - BASHH
Whats could be wrong?
WAs the medication call metronidazole if so u could have developed a yeast infection
Yes it was. 😊 I went back to my doc and i said i still had some sort of symptoms related to the infection so he prescribed me to an oral antibiotic this time called tindazole for 2 days instead of the vaginal cream for 7. but still feels like i have symptoms. Told him about the problem on my clit (the itchyness) but i had already started applying clotrimazole cream to it and it cleared after 2 days & he percripted me fluconazole incase i had gotten thrush from it. now even after sex it still feels sore like how it felt when i had sex with the infection could it be thrush or is the bv just not going away? This is affecting my sex life with my partner & i haven't told him about the infection but told him he needs to go see the doc aswel. 😟 i just want things to go back to normal im 2 young to be dealing with all of this 😢😢😢😢