I started the pill back in January, through the first cycle I was perfectly fine and everything was normal. Second cycle I started to notice a hardness in my stomach on the left side of my stomach that never seemed to go away and is still around currently. Since coming onto my third cycle I've had incredibly severe bloating to the point I look several months pregnant (which is very noticeable considering I've always been called anorexic due to how skinny I am). My stomach is so uncomfortable and I'm struggling with going to the toilet as I continuously feel as though I need to go because of the hardness in my stomach. My mom has IBS and I know that IBS can flare up because of stress so I most likely have it too (It's only recent that it flared up due to moving and an increase in my depression adds to my stress.)
But I also have other worries that it could be more severe than just a simple IBS. I originally started taking the pill for Dysmenorrhea and the pill has made my life so much better compared to the life of pain dysmenorrhea subjected me to. I really dont want to stop taking the pill but fear ill be taken off of it because of how my stomach is.
Please does anyone have any ideas what could be happening?