How do I get a support worker noticed recently I struggling with basic things not sure weather its depression coming back if its changing in the weather not sure one day im chilled next im bouncing off walls also dont like being round people any advise cheers dan
struggling dont know were to turn - Autism Support
struggling dont know were to turn
Depends on your local council. Your local council website should have an email address you can contact to request a needs assessment, which is the first step here.
as Kastaka said your local council can do a needs assessment.
Assuming you are an adult (going by the 1995 in your username) you would need to contact the Adult Social Care Section at the council. The needs assessment is based on the Care Act 2014. There is also the Autism Act which give you some protections and rights.
Your council should by law have an advocacy service who can assist you with your application and quite possibly attend in person to support you at the assessment itself. Google advocacy services for autism in your area as well as advocacy services for the care act in your local area. In my area we have Touchstone.
The needs assessment should also be wholistic and person centred and be conducted by a person who is suitably qualified in autism and suchlike conditions.
It will help a LOT if you have a formal autism diagnostic report and sensory profile and the same for any other conditions you may have that often cooccur with autism such as dyspraxia or ADHD etc. as the social worker who does the assessment will probably not have an in depth understanding of autism or often co occurring conditions. They have a legal obligation to at least consult with some one with expertise in it.
If there is an autism support group in your area join it. You will meet others there who are familiar with the services in your local area some of whom will have gone through the needs assessment themselves who may be willing to share their lived experience.
I hope that this helps.
thats the thing the doctors wont put any support in place i asked them the other day when i went they said i have some behaviour disorder but they not know what it is n they wont test me for it cos they idiots n like making me suffer had enough
Please find the autism quotient test online - and do it and bring that in to a GP at your surgery. It is a respected screening assessment that GPs should know about. Also think about all the ways your life is affected and bring in a written summary with concrete real life examples.
Please phone up your GP surgery and ask the receptionist if there is a GP there with an interest in autism and neuro divergence and book an appointment with them instead.
If that doesn’t work you may need to find another GP practice or get a diagnosis privately which unfortunately can be very expensive.
A private diagnosis can help you then apply for things like Personal Independence Payment (and Employment Support Allowance if you are having difficulties finding gainful employment on account of your autism and any possible co occurring conditions) but a private diagnosis may be disregarded by the NHS for the purposes of getting treatment so you may need to fight for a NHS diagnosis as well.
The Autism Act states that people with possible autism who are requesting a formal assessment should be seen within 3 months and there should be a clear autism diagnostic pathway for your local area.
Please find an advocacy service who may be able to attend your GP appointment with you.
There is also Health Watch who can intervene on your behalf - the GPs and local autism service have a legal obligation to respond promptly to Health Watch. Please google to find your local health watch.
I used both Health Watch and my local advocacy service to get a formal NHS autism diagnosis a couple of years ago.
I hope this helps and you find a GP who is more sympathetic and helpful.