I've recently been diagnosed with autism im 26 and im finding it hard i dont have any friends to really talk to and who will understand i have bad anxiety and depression also so i dont really leave the house i always get too overwhelmed so im looking on here if there is any advice or chat rooms or people to speak to as im feeling lonely and don't really have any communication with the outside world
struggle with autism and feeling lonely - Autism Support
struggle with autism and feeling lonely

Hi there,It is sometimes difficult to process a new diagnosis. Check to see if there is a local group as the National autistic society has in some areas. You can check on their site too. Also, the ASD team who assessed you should be able to tell you of any groups in the area. These aren't always physical groups you have to attend. We also have a disability living service where we are ( one of my daughters has felt they are helpful) who can provide information/assistance and there maybe a social prescriber attached your Gp's that might be able to let you know what is available locally.
Hi catmummy,
I am also a newly diagnosed with ASD, although I am a bit older than you. I live in a place with very few resources, even if I could get over my social anxiety to take part. I have found a few ways so far to connect. First, since my diagnosis I have had a dentist appointment and I disclosed to them about the autism because I do lack in communication skills and wanted them to be aware that I wasn’t being rude. To my relief they were responsive in a positive way. It even turned out that the dental assistant is autistic too! We had a lovely talk and I felt understood. So perhaps opening up slowly is a possible path as I believe there are a lot more of us out there than we think.
The other thing I have found is a Reddit feed for autism. Not a fan of Reddit, but this feed/chat has rules that make sense, so you might want to try it. I don’t really participate, but I read about others with autism and it helps me feel less alone and less isolated. The members are mostly American and British, but it is international. I hope I can post a link here. reddit.com/r/autism/
I haven’t found any more sites that are helpful, but if and when I do I will be sure to post them. There are many options out there, but finding useful and kind ones are not easy. I’d love to find a face to face group so I can practice my communication skills. I’m holding onto hope until I do!
If you find any valuable sites for autistics please post.
Me too I have been looking I’m not great at speaking with others being around people makes me feel overwhelmed I have panic attacks even with close family coming round the house so I have myself in a bubble just stay in my room but that’s doing me no good as I’m not seeing the outside world and when I do I panic more so it’s hard
Have you tried the national autistic society? They have some groups depending where you live
Yeah I’ve had a look I’m going to see what might be best in my area
Ok, that's good hope you find something useful. These threads get a bit confusing but, I was asking sjof if they'd tried them too.
Hi Bee-bop,
Sorry I did not respond. I also thought you were addressing catmummy.
I live in the US. I think you’re in the UK. We don’t have anything similar to the organization you asked about. There is a national organization here called Autism Speaks, but they are not advocates for autistic people. Unfortunately.
Hi sjof,That's frustrating. I hope that you can find some support, I guess it differs state to state?
Hi Bee-bop,
You are correct in that many services on offer differ state to state. There are national organizations, but I think many focus on fundraising for research, or supporting local chapters. When things get so large it is difficult to offer personalized services. The State I live in (New Mexico) is a wonderful place, just not great on resources due to economics. I actually only had to wait a few months to get an assessment for my Autism, when many other folks I know in other States can't even get on an Autism Assessment waitlist, especially if you're an adult. So I guess it all balances out. :*)
I’m in a similar position to you in the sense that I’m in my 20’s whose been diagnosed with ASD recently.
I am lucky enough to have a few close friends however I do relate to the fact that having autism can be isolating.
I would also like to talk to more people like me (later diagnosed autistic women) and don’t really know where to start. I’m not using social media at the moment which makes meeting people more of a challenge.
It can be lonely sometimes can’t it I do use social media but I don’t post anything I just scroll through it most of the time I still live at home with my parents who do a lot for me now I’m struggling I have done therapy in the past which I’m starting again but I feel I need more people who understand me