What a start to the New Year😳
Suffered a blackout, falling on the armchair and apparently damaging it so much it’s useless😂 black and blue all over my body.
Then started to suffer from extreme pains in the left lower leg (not cramp). Painkillers no good, so Dr’s, then up to hospital (again).
X-Ray, one of those thingy scans with jelly stuff pregnant ladies get was done on the leg, then an MRI, all to no avail. So given an injection of (can’t remember the name) something, lasts a few days or something.... and back home.
It get’s better (or worse)
And then to top it off - suffered chest pains and blue lighted into hospital, again🙄
Been back home a few days now, still getting used to being on my own and nobody rushing round sticking needles in me or pushing me into scanners or pinching blood, what a month....... ahhh, peace and quiet, fingers crossed 🤞 🤗