My partner had a pip assessment this morning.One full hour of questions.Thank God that's over with as my partner was becoming extremely anxious. Now let's see what happens.
PIP Assessment: My partner had a pip assessment... - Ataxia UK
PIP Assessment

He'll be fine. I got my PIP in May but oddly enough got zero points for my work capability assessment. Still waiting for the outcome of the mandatory reconsideration I put it in July
I to got zero points on work assessment, am in the process of going to a tribunal, mainly because of the way the person treated me, as just "another" poor sod, not wanting to work. Jeez, I have worked in my chosen trade since I was 13, and only had 7 days sick since then, I am now 58, and retired as I am deemed not worthy to drive a van and work with sharp knives.... I am a butcher
Hi Peter, so what is your next plan of action?
going to re apply for PIP in Jan, and this time bloody lie, if I have to. It seems unless one is severely handicapped, chair bound or have terminal possibilities, then they take no notice it seems. As to the work Assessment thing from the Dwp, I have not heard about a date for a tribunal, am taking my g/f, and boy, she takes no shit from anyone, so she will prob be done for contempt ha ha ha
good luck... you will need it, I went threw 2, and got turned down, family, friends, social team etc, could not believe it
Just cross your fingers and hope for the best and then goto tribunal....
I must say the person who came to us re pip couldn’t have been nicer. Helpful and patient. Luckily it didn’t take long to process.
Very much luck of the draw - I had 2 assessments and Capita ended-up giving me compensation that I gave to Ataxia UK. They were awful but I got it in the end. Do not be afraid to challenge the result. This seems a good website x
Alas! Spoke to the DWP this afternoon and guess what? Their decision stands... Back to square one. Got to go out to work. ZERO points for works assessment. Peter, we're on the same boat.
I had an appalling work assessment too, I am articulate and this counts against me, I feel. I would love to be able to work and do many things that I cannot do any more. The process was awful, I had a downstairs room booked which was suddenly not available- they rang us as we arrived in the overfull carpark to ask if we could come another day. It did not end there, the abuse. With hindsight and knowledge, I should have asked for a home assessment, I was entitled to it. Ask for one, please appeal. Point out every factor that affects you, the questions asked are not specific enough and some are open to reinterpretation. Talk to a charity and ask where you can go for advice?
IF you are refused or the decision seems wrong or unfair, please ask a charity for help? The following is for other people and if you are not rightly assessed: My experiences were awful. Frankly the truth was twisted beyond recognition. I could not cope with doing again, eventually with kind encouragement from a charity I did reapply and the assessor came to the house, just as well! Ask for a home assessment. She was intelligent and understood a bit about ataxia. She could not understand why I had scored zero in some areas (neither could I) Went from zero to max points in some areas. We had volunteer help the second time with the form which was not that good but the support helped, and they knew much more than us! Knowing how to answer, with the truth but referring to when you cannot do things. Persist.
I had the lady from the Council social services come to see me, and she filled the pip and the other in for me, asking me the questions, and altho my speech can be (to me at least) a tad off, and stutter on certain words (I could go into it more, but am not) And the being articulate bit, is a funny kind of thing, and its does you no good, being educated and knowledgeable, and being able to communicate with anyone.... or thats what it seems like to me