Very tender to the touch back of lower legs, ben like this for about 7-8 weks now. tingling toes also.
don`t walk at all now, could this be the reason? waiting time to see Dr is just too long, ridiculousus o be honest.
Anyway, hospital appointmnetment in Februrary for cognititives tests and MRI scans on head, spine cervical and spine thoracicic, they want to sedates me first before scans
Going tobe a long day, hope they feeed me hahaha
Sleeping more and more now, longer than normal, cant seem to keep awake longer than a few hours ata a time.
Got cleaners doo al housework for me once a fortnghight - big help. arragnging for help to get laundry and ironing done also. too tired to do it myself.
Snowed last nihgt yippee, love the snow sit by window watching it it was lovely
See you later tidred now