Pain starting in my wrist and Fingertips not 'bo... - Ataxia UK

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Pain starting in my wrist and Fingertips not 'bouncing' back when depressed.

PGee profile image
6 Replies

Sorry to bother you. Have started getting pain in my wrist along the side of my hand down my thumb to the wrist. Burning sensation when rubbed... I won't be seeing the Neurologist until Sept of this year. Don't want to make a fuss, but beginning to feel that I want to talk to someone, but don't know who to talk to. A 5 minutes chat with the Doctor won't do and I want to talk now, not in September! The burning wrist has just come on in the last two days and I don't know if it is the result of stopping taking tablets (Dr said okay to) or whether part of my new condition. I also have noticed that my fingertips are not going back to their normal shape after being pressed down and they stayed white... funnily enough, they seem to be working alright now... Very confusing. It seems a long time to wait between appointments and always waiting for this or that appointment and sort of non life in between with lots of time to dwell on things.

What can I do to help myself until September and beyond? Practical and constructive advice please. Thanks.

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6 Replies
PeteW profile image

How can you help yourself? Well you can't stop the discomfort nor the progression I'm afraid BUT you can ease things and delay the progression. BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE by making good dietary changes FOR EVER. Out goes the junk and processed foods, in come the fish, fruit and deep green veg. Gut health is inextricably linked to brain health. The happier the gut, the happier the brain. Read books on the subject BRAIN HEALTH

Many people with Neuro conditions seem to take Amitriptylene daily and ibroprofen when needed and anti depressants too (sertraline works for me but maybe not you) amongst other drugs. But daily supplements can help too eg

Panax Ginseng

Multi Vits






You need to remember that everybody is different and what works for some may not work for you. All you can do really is TAKE BACK CONTROL of your own well-being and just that simple act will make you FEEL STRONGER. Whatever you do, DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR DR TO SORT IT OUT FOR YOU.

PGee profile image
PGee in reply to PeteW

Dear Willywonker,

Thanks for your reply. I have changed my diet already and have been loosing weight slowly, which is a good side effect. Where did you get the advice about the daily supplements? I do want to take control back, but I am stumped by not knowing where to start and what is the best thing to do for me (and Ataxia). This taking of control is good, but what happens when, like you, one needs a wheelchair... or other health adaptations - is this through the Doctors or by one's own? You are at the mercy of salesmen, who just want a sale and not concerned for ones own health and well being. Where did you start and what helped you?

PeteW profile image
PeteW in reply to PGee

Hi, I got the advice about the supplement from reading a book called The Brain diet full stop I also have a healthy interest in health and diet and exercise and have done for sometime so I keep abreast of the information by just researching online I'm just asking Google what is the best thing for constipation digestion etc or what are the health benefits of magnesium citrate full stop also ask Google what are the superfoods full stop regarding a wheelchair that May or may not come with time full stop speak to your GP at the time of need and he will refer you to the NHS wheelchair service full stop failing that just research wheelchairs online and try to find customer reviews to get a better idea of what you need full stop Amazon is not a bad place to start as there are some Chinese lithium powered wheelchairs on their and of course, customer reviews full stop. Golden is also another good source of lithium powered foldable lightweight wheelchairs direct from China full stop however you do not want to cross that bridge until you need to! If anyone out there is interested in converting their wheelchair to lithium then I would like to suggest wheelchair as it is an excellent site and gives all the instructions and advice for all things power chair related full stop converting your wheelchair to lithium power will give you at least twice the range and will regulate the discharge giving the chair the same performance all the way through the complete discharge full stop there is also a well used forum on the site where you can chat or ask questions full stop you could also ask which wheelchair would suit your needs best

Sqd-2415_hoc profile image


I have CA (4 years ) seems fairly stable bit more wobbly but eyesight not got worse - intermittent and pins needles and numbness left thigh.

Have other issues but sometimes knowing whether due to ataxia

My GP referred me to local leisure centre and I do "back fit" and aqua fit

helps socially though no one heard of ataxia

The consultant's I've seen have said contact if concerned



PeteW profile image
PeteW in reply to Sqd-2415_hoc

Water Exercises (no matter how mild) are AWESOME if you can do them. I used to do them years ago before I became intimately acquainted with a wheelchair. I still manage to get on a gym ball (with help) one a week which helps circulation and core.

bevvick1964 profile image

Hi there.

I have SCA6 and had exactly the same symptoms and went to see a different Neurologist and I have Carpel tunnel syndrome.

I've had to have surgery on my right hand which was only a month ago and then the other hand later in the year.

Might be worth a look.

Take care xx

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