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4 Replies

hello. My 15 month old son has had three hospital admissions since 3 months old. He was born at 32 weeks and was a bruiser!! After a month in scbu we went home and started family life.

At 3 months he had bronchiolitis and was admitted for a week, a one off virus we hoped.

Two further colds triggered a tight wheezy chest and as advised gave salbutamol and ipratropium. He also has had to have short courses of prednisolone and a few trips to AnE to have nebulizers and oxygen.

Luckily in between episodes he is fine, he has lactose intolerence and mild eczema too but these are totally manageable and do not impact our lives significantly.

5 weeks age he developed another cold and after several weeks of battling at home we attended AnE. We were given antibiotics, diagnosis from xray chest infection carry on with inhalers as per plan. We were sent home where he had febrile convulsions, back to AnE. Sent home. More convulsions, off to GP.

Told he hadnt got a chest infection and that his chest was clear, viral infection give paracetamol and ibuprofen.

A week later a very lifeless little boy sat on my knee breathing so fast, back to AnE. Further xrays etc chest infection worse,reduced air entry, more antibiotics and nebulizer, sent home.

Next morning in the wee small hours admitted. Salbutamol nebs, prednisolone, hypertonic saline nebs and antibiotics.

Discharged a week later on reducing inhaler regime. Chest not wheezy but rattly. Advised to give salbutamol as soon as cold starts to help keep airways open in the future as well as ipratropium.

1 week post discharge ( 5 weeks since episode started) still not sleeping, coughing to the point of vomiting, rattly but not excessively wheezy, repsiration rate 60 at times and moderate recession.

Back to GP, chest clear, diagnosed nasal drip stop inhalers.

Little man has now not slept for nearly 5 wks, coughing continually from 8pm to 5am.

I totally know that once he shakes this virus all will be well (until the next!!).

However I am at a loss. do I continue the salbutamol or stop as adivsed by GP.

Sorry for the totally long waffling post, sleep deprivation has left me unsure of my own judgement and I just needed to off load.

A little input from others who have been in a similar positon would be great. I am feeling pretty lonely at the moment as my family, who are great, seem to expect me to have all the magic answers because i myself have brittle asthma. Its very different looking after yourself, easy in comparison to someone so precious as your son.

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4 Replies

hey chell

poor lil mite been through a lot in his lil life already!! bless him!!

in my job i see a lot of lil ones like him especially when i worked in my old job in general paeds ward + HDU....

do you think the salb inh working for him? maybe just try giving him 2 puffs QDS till tomorrow then go back to GP tomorrow morning for review and get him checked out again as he clearly not well yet... also, i found with the lil ones, weirdly, that calpol worked well ??!! even when not pyrexial.

another tip, saline drops if you have them... does he have bronchiolitis?? if so then atrovent will work better...

if he doesnt improve or you concerned obviouly thoug, go to out of hours GP today though :)

hope this helps and he improves :)

x x x

thank you for your reply.chell.xx

Hi my little Oscar hasn't been well and has had quite a few hospital admissions. Your son doesn't sound right and the only advice I can give is if you are worried take him to hospital or GP (they really don't mind checking the little ones over) trust you instinct. Give the Ventolin regularly and if his breathing is fast this could mean his oxygen levels are low so needs to be checked out. If he needs to use the ventolin more than every 4 hours get him seen.

In our experience the GP was always a bit dismissive but the hospital were always very good and now I wouldn't hesitate in taking him to be checked out.

Oscar is now on Montelukast a little tablet that acts as a preventer?? not really sure. But anyway he's just had a cold and was not wheezy at all - yippee!

Good luck and feel free to send me a message if you wish.


sleep at last

Without tempting fate i am pleased to announce we all slept for 3 hours last night!!

Fingerscrossed the virus is on its wayout and we can all get back to some kind of routine.

Hoping that we keep bug free for awhile!!


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