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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for June 2020

If you can't get to the festival.....

As I can't go to the festival my lovely friend has set up Gazebo with the online...
shouty profile image

See below.

I have severe brochiectasis Postural drainage 3 times a day for 45 minutes. Al...
skipwork profile image

Pleurisy and COVID-19

I’ve just been diagnosed with pleurisy and I’ve no idea how I got it. The day be...
Runningonveg profile image
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Home Air Liquide UK Oxygen

Good Afternoon everyone, has anyone else experienced problems with payment of th...
Joseph260268 profile image

For Bev Hypercat if anyone can tag her

Just thought it might be this type or similar there are lots of variations of th...
Blackbird8 profile image


Thank you to all those who reached out to me yesterday. Am so grateful. It made ...
shouty profile image

Denisovan DNA influences immune system of modern day Oceanian populations.

More than 120,000 novel human genetic variations that affect large regions of DN...
2greys profile image

Still the best place to get advice.

The boy stood on the burning deck Coughing and gasping "Flipping heck." "I thi...
Hidden profile image

Masks & glasses

Is anyone finding they are getting short of breath whilst wearing a mask? I was...
Greyeyes profile image

Chemotherapy/immunotherapy combo shows promise for first-line treatment of Mesothelioma.

Inoperable malignant pleural mesothelioma, is a rare and aggressive cancer of ...
2greys profile image

Blackbird 6 7 or maybe 8 πŸ˜‚

Morning Had a lot of confusion going on with my phone playing up the last few d...
Blackbird8 profile image

Cold plasma against the coronavirus.

Many seriously ill Covid-19 patients must contend with more than just the corona...
2greys profile image

UNC Researchers Create New Type of Accurate COVID-19 Antibody Test.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues with many thousands of new infections reporte...
2greys profile image

COVID-19 threatens the entire nervous system.

A new review of neurological symptoms of COVID-19 patients in current scientific...
2greys profile image

My problem is solved

Apologies for being blackbird7 for a day I have now resumed normal service under...
Blackbird6 profile image

Could a shielding shift be coming? It definitely is in paeds.

The Royal College of Paediatricians updated and extensively revised their clinic...
Hidden profile image

Bronchiectasis treatment

Hi everyone I'm looking for advice. I have bronchiectasis with cough based asth...
Cakebaker22 profile image

Coronavirus transmission slowed in the UK but epidemic may continue for months.

Research led by Imperial College London found that the reproduction number, or R...
2greys profile image

For those in need

A not so subtle sign at Hua Hin railway station in Thailand.
RColl profile image

A technophobe in lockdown

I'm really a slate and chalk girl. I've never learned to drive my laptop/phone/...
wheezyof profile image


When you go on oxygen at home is it the beginning of the end
Chalky2 profile image


Hi All Living with COPD? Our researchers need your help If you've accessed remot...
Carol_ALUK profile image

Thank you to everyone who replied to my post about sleeping yesterday

It seem that a lot of people have trouble in getting to sleep and staying asleep...
sarcoid123 profile image

Problem with banks while shielding?

Wonder if anyone has had problem of this type. Not shopped on-line for groceries...
Cough-Mixture profile image


Feeling very low this morning. The weather is windy & rainy and the May days of ...
shouty profile image

Breathing exercises.

Do any of you do breathing exercises to help with COPD? If so and if they help w...
cornerhouse profile image


I sleep about 4-5 hours which is not very good my husband can sleep 11 hours wh...
House1 profile image

Absolutely Fuming.

Sharon had her handbag snatched at the bus stop, on the way to work at 6 am this...
2greys profile image

The stay-at-home slowdown – how the pandemic upended our perception of time.

Think back to life before stay-at-home orders. Does it feel like just yesterday?...
2greys profile image

Rheumatoid arthritis drug shows promise against COVID-19, study finds.

A drug against rheumatoid arthritis called baricitinib could potentially be repu...
2greys profile image