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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for September 2021

Nasal Cannula's for High Flow Oxygen. Baywater Health Care.

Nasal Cannula's for High Flow Oxygen. Baywater Health Care. Good morning everyon...
Joseph260268 profile image

Which Exercise Machine?

I have COPD and I'm considering getting an exercise machine and would like to he...
Nevasayneva profile image

Something positive

I had my assessment for PR yesterday. Must admit I was terrified. Strange to go ...
Anniecheney profile image
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long term antibiotics Azithromycin

My respiratory nurse has written to the consultant suggesting i maybe need long ...
Polly44 profile image

coughing for 3 months

i was taking lorvacs xl 1.5 prolonged release tablets. each tablet contains ...
thamesbob profile image

Symbicort Nasal and Chest Congestion issues?

I posted this over on Asthma UK so apols to those who've already seen it ! I sta...
ck101 profile image

Lung Physio

Has anyone bought one of these devices? If so, are they any good? Thanks.
Grandjury profile image

Flu jab

I’ve just had a txt stating my flu vaccination is available on Oct 3rd at the lo...
Bronchio profile image


What is the best antibiotic for asthma/ Bronchiectasis? Is Doxycycline better th...
primrose123 profile image

British Lung Foundation, always there to help.

The boy stood on the burning deck Coughing and gasping "Flipping heck." "I think...
Hidden profile image


Thankyou all for your kind comments for Caroline. Her and her two sisters Lisa a...
pampig1 profile image

Yet another Bronchodilator!

Just been prescribed Uniphyllin, been taking it for 6 days now and find my breat...
Bilbo69 profile image

Bronchiectasis, disease progression and lifestyle changes

Good afternoon all, Apologies once again for the radio silence after my last po...
dodgylungrunner profile image
British Lung Foundation


Hi how do you find Spiriva to use i have been taking it for a while but have had...
nottowell profile image

Numbers heading south…😡😡

TLCO down further from 49% in April to 39.4% today which apparently is quite a d...
Mrbojangles profile image

Life is full of surprises

It's been a while since I posted here, work, travel and life just kept being so ...
andyrrc profile image

A year today...💚💚

So this mischievous little man has been with us a year today .. Hes given me som...
Blackbird8 profile image

Post-Covid Switching from COPD to Asthma

I am a COPD patient for the past 5 years time and with Fev1/FVC around 60%, with...
Maverick2 profile image

Lung cancer

Hi everyone sorry it’s been such a long time I’ve been on , my mum hasn’t been t...
Elsy12345 profile image

This morning's sunshine in the gorse

💚🧡 very autumnal
Blackbird8 profile image

Charity walk.

My daughter Carolne Hulse has just walked 200 km completing the Big 100 Double...
pampig1 profile image

It's all about the ears 💜💜

Blackbird8 profile image

No wonder i’m insecure….

My parents couldn’t decided if i was their favourite yet i was an only child.
Mrbojangles profile image

Trial to paradise undertaken !

Well after all the shinakings finally had trial for nebulised colymycin. We did ...
Delamere profile image

ABout The A And E

Hello to everyone who has wrote to me about A and E. The update is now my cancer...
Jojoclown profile image

Bronchiectasis Problem

Excessive mucus some times it's just like turning on a tap.If I don't get to...
Clarice91 profile image

thoracoscopic lung biopsy (VATS)

Anyone out there have experience with VATs? Just curious how the procedure went ...
MikeJM profile image

Cut backs in council grass maintenance - is it affecting your respiratory condition?

Good morning (or if you're reading this later, good afternoon/good evening) folk...
Turfcare profile image

After being told last night they have concerns re my heart which needs sorting before lung transplant this has cheered me up…🤪

Smart landlord!
Mrbojangles profile image

Well, I have sarcoidosis folks

I had my biopsy surgery and just got the results. It is pulmonary sarcoidosis. I...