I was officially diagnosed recently with COPD (I had been told in the past that I had 'mild emphysema'). GP had sent me to A&E due to SOB and low sats - I was prescribed a SPIRIVA inhaler by the hospital (but contra-indications mentioned kidney disease SO I spoke to my GP and said I was wary of taking something which would aggravate my kidney problem - I only have one and have CKD). She agreed that there was no NEED to take the SPIRIVA and arranged for a SPIROMETRY test. The Spirometry was carried out at the GP surgery by a nurse who after the test prescribed a VENTOLIN inhaler. That was a few weeks ago and I took the plunge and used the inhaler for the first time yesterday - I did feel some improvement in my breathing, but today I feel as if my chest is tighter, breathing slightly worse, head feels fuzzy and bad headache just getting better - mouth also feeling weird and 'furry' - sounds like a hangover, I know but had only one glass of wine so can't be that!
Does anyone know if the above could possibly be as a result of the Ventolin? If so, are there any alternatives I could try (i.e. alternative short-term inhalers that I could ask the GP to prescribe instead)?
Many thanks