Has anyone with Emphysema/COPD been given a Ventolin. I have had tests at the hospital in the past that shows no reversibility with Ventolin. Went the doctors for yearly COPD check (pointless really as what I have doesn't really show up on the doctors spirometry) and yet again the nurse insisted that I try using a Ventolin.
Ventolin and Emphysema: Has anyone with... - Lung Conditions C...
Ventolin and Emphysema

I have the same issue but my specialist insists that when I have a cough that I use it every 4 hours. Whilst I was sceptical about it for the same reason as you I find it does actually help a bit. Go figure I think it must be doing something but no idea what. So I do as I am told
I have always got a cough. Numerous tests show no reversibility and when I have used it in the past it didn't make any difference. I suppose ill give it another go. I already take 2 sprays so another one wont hurt
I was as I said sceptical because test also shown no change after using it during spirometry test but I find that is I have a serious bout of coughing it does do something so while not every 4 hours hours as directed I use it when I need it
For the reversibility test at the hospital I have to take 4 puffs with my aerochamber..but nowadays it is hardly effective in severe asthma so they don’t bother with that test anymore..
reversibility Is testing for Asthma. Ventolin will open you airways, but not in a way as to show a significant change in results for emphysema.
Ventolin is a short action bronchodilator 3 to 4 hrs max..I think you should ask for a long action inhaler..
Good luck x

I have a long action inhaler Ciclesonide, I also have aclidinium/formoterol fumarate dehydrate combi inhaler plus Montelukast tablets. I've used Ventolin in the past but felt it didn't really make a difference. I have severe Copd.
Ah ok. I have Ciclesonide too, Serevent and Atrovent..I have lymphangioleiomyomatosis..
I have Emphysema and Ventolin stopped working for me after the first 6 months, no matter how many puffs I took. Whilst attending Pulmonary Rehab it was mentioned that there was an alternative (the only alternative) and the therapist wrote to my GP suggesting that my Ventolin to be changed to Bricanyl. I have not looked back since, it is not a miracle reliever but much better than Ventolin that had zero benefit to me.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, ask your GP if you could try it out. It is a powder inhaler and you need to have a good sucking capability. One dose is just 0.5 mg, there is no taste, in fact you cannot detect it at all going down into your lungs. If Ventolin does not work anyway, what have you got to loose.
Hi Fluke13 I have severe COPD. I take long acting medication Incruse 55 and Relvar ellipta which seem to keep things mostly under control, but if I get a bit tight chested I use my Ventolin inhaler with an Aerochamber. It doesn't seem to have an immediate effect but after about 10-20 minutes I cough up some mucus and things feel better whether this is psychological or practical I don't know. Anyway this is my experience.
My husband like you has always said ventolin makes no difference. Just recently has been advised to take it when needed?? Take extra puffs from the aero chamber. Is now on oxygen 15-24 hours a day. Fascinating so many others have the same experiences. Good luck everyone. We take great comfort from this site. X
Ventolin doesn't seem to do anything for me either. Was told to use it before sport, which I did, but stopped doing this a few months ago and I have noticed no difference. I swum a mile without it last week, amongst other things. I have emphysema. My brother, who has a mild form of asthma, has also stopped using ventolin before walking up mountains, which he does regularly, and has also noticed no difference. I believe ventolin is a cheap medication, but even so, with the financial state of the NHS, any unnecessary free drug prescriptions seems a bit wasteful.
I use Ventolin daily as well as other medications,at first I never seen or felt any difference but over the the past year the difference is more pronounced.I'm not sure why but I reckon it comes into its own over time. Hope you figure it out.
Take care
Hi I have severe emphysema, I have taken ventolin for years. I guess I has asthma and chronic bronchitis those years. I year ago I had a severe exaserbation it was very severe ended up in hospital for 7 days. Since then I do not get any relief at all from ventolin. I use Anoro and Budecort but wish there was something that gave me better relief....Norm
Hello fluke13 .
I have Bronchiolitis obliterans is an inflammatory condition that affects the lung's tiniest airways, the bronchioles. Ventolin did not help me much. Now I am on Spiriva and Revlar. I think these help a bit. My doctor says for my disease they may not be effective, but I use them anyway. I think you would benefit from talking to your doctor and trying something else perhaps.
I hope you get the help you need very soon.
Best wishes,
Cas xx 🌻
I think it’s the first thing they give everybody with asthma or copd. It doesn’t do anything for me either and I have told my doctor that but he is still insistent that I use it. Maybe they get paid extra for prescribing it. Lol 😂