I have Emphysema.../ COPD.. 18 years and of late I keep hearing about "Serrapeptase" and the possibilities that it may ease the condition. I am aware of it as a natural anti inflammatory but wonder if anyone has used this enzyme for other than pain relief.... would be pleased to hear from you
Has anyone heard of or used Serrapept... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone heard of or used Serrapeptase to aid their daily life

Be careful!
Serratiopeptidase (also known by 5 other names including serrapeptidase) is a proteolytic enzyme found in the 1960's. It is supposed to be beneficial for pain & inflammation but all existing trials have found only poor quality results, with safety issues of biological agents (One company, Takeda Co (Japan) has voluntarily recalled it in 2011 as stated in the Kyodo News). Please search the Wikipedia and other sites before you use this treatment. Be prudent. This is all I know.
I have not used it so cannot advise you from personal experience although I would check with your doctor about serrapeptase first, it may or may not be compatible with the other medications you are prescribed.
I can't see any reference under NHS UK about it, however their is a suggestion docs can prescribe it as SP Zyme according to the Mail on line article. A Dr Gary Margrove, from Birk-dale, Lancashire is mentioned on nearly all the sales info, including the article, but I am unable to establish what kind of doctor Gary Margrove is, or if he is in fact a bone fide practitioner of any kind. On web search an article came up suggesting that he might be a homeopathic doctor but it doesn't actually say that he is. To try and establish if this person is genuine you could check the registrar of homeopathic practitioners UK to discover if that is the case or perhaps the register of professional herbal practitioners UK. I think if he had been an NHS doctor that would have shown in the web search and nothing came to light in that area. But you may be able to check the local or nationwide Medical Society, (Lancashire or UK).
The article is suggesting its a wonder drug, a cure all, that is something that immediately alerts me to a sales technique aimed at the most vulnerable, which IMO is unethical and doesn't say much for the Mail on line, really either. The trials mentioned in Germany for patients with damaged ligaments for instance only involved 66 patients, no where near adequate for the claims being made.
Please let us know what else you may find out or what your doctor advises.
Good Luck.
I took this for very many months keeping a note of what it did for me. Finally including serrapeptase in a blog that I write on copd. It did nothing for me, except relieve me of some cash. towards the end of the trial I became ill and suspected serrapeptase may have helped cause it so stopped taking it. When I was better after a while I started taking it again. I again fell ill. Take it at your risk. My verdict though is. this product will not help emphesema. I suffer from very severe emphysema. We would all like something that will make us better. My view now is if there was to be such a thing. Our chest consultants would love nothing better than to tell us about it and get us off their books. Good luck
Hi, I can only tell you that my husband has found it quite useful. He is a moderate/severe COPD sufferer. He has been using it for about four years. Having done some research it is used in Germany pre and post op to reduce inflammation regularly. It also has really helped thinning mucous and if he doesn't take it - he can really tell. I also use it for my sinuses and find it useful. He has not suffered any side effects. BUT it is not a wonder cure and does not cure COPD. It does not cure infections. My husband has found it helpful. I would be careful where you buy it from and the strength - this has made a difference when I changed brands. Good luck. TAD xx
Hi, i olso used serappetase for about a year, spoke to my doctor about it she said if it doesnt help dont waste your money, olthough she had never heard of it, i felt it did help for a while then decided to stop it as i still took a lot off infections ....i did not have any side effects from it. so really up to yourself if you try it...it is expensive.
Thanks everyone for your inputs...... will keep you advised.
Hiya, so I know this post is now 5 years old!..but I thought I would add my friend Sharon's feedback and also my Dad's results of using Serrapeptase. Sharon has severe COPD, she is 64 but has the lungs of an 85 year old so she tells me! She has been taking 80,000iu x2 per day before breakfast and has noticed a big difference in her coughing and mucus. She is not suffering as much and feels a lot better after 7 days. My Dad has been taking it for 3 weeks now and his BP has dropped from circa 130/70 to around 108/68 - he is really pleased. His COPD isn't as severe as Sharon's so I am not sure he has noticed a big difference like she has, but it is undoubtedly working very well for her chest. I have ben trying it for different reasons. I bruise like a peach and read it could help with healing, veins etc! It has definitely made a difference. I've been doing DIY around the house, knocked into lots of things and I didn't bruise as easily and the ones I did have are fading way faster than they otherwise would. So its a thumbs up from me and my family!
We use Serrapaptase in our family for a few conditions,I suffered from a terrible hip and leg pain for a few years,my doctor diagnosed hip bursitis (inflammation of the bursa) his solution take painkillers! I tried a strong dosage of Serrapaptase 250,000 IU after five months the pain has disappeared altogether,as an aside my cholesterol has reduced by 50% a double benefit. My wife's sinuses have improved so much we are big fans of Serrapeptase.
Yes. It healed my lungs after damage from diatomaceous earth. Took a while, but it "ate" the scar tissue. Miracle stuff.
Hello GoldenChild 👋 this post is seven years old. I am glad you seem to have gained benefit from this supplement, however I would be wary of promoting it as "miracle stuff", for although it has helped you, it may not be beneficial, and may even be harmful to others. I think it's fine to talk about something you found helpful, but always add that people must consult their doctor when considering any treatment that has not been advised by a medical professional.
Have a great day.
Cas 🍀
I would assume that everyone knows to check with their physician, esp if they have a medical condition.
And I stand by calling serropeptase miracle stuff.
Good for you. I'm glad you found your miracle. 👍
I think we all make assumptions from time to time, but there are unfortunately, times when our assumptions are wrong. I tend not to trust in anything I assume, only what I know. Best wishes.
My doctor is really of no help at all. There would not be so many of us searching for answers if our doctors had treatments that work. Perhaps, it's best to ask anyway as some people would do some really stupid things otherwise. However, do your own research and don't be afraid to try something new. I am starting Serrapeptase myself and if for some reason it doesn't agree with me, I will stop taking it but I have read many good things about it. That doesn't mean it's a cure-all for everything of course.
Just new to the site saw your post, I was taking DE and think it has done some damage to my lungs, did not realise you had to be careful not to inhale it when adding water to it, have respiratory issues which is being investigated, but I think it's been the DE how do you know it was DE that damaged your lungs, know these are old posts. If anyone else has any info on DE and risk to lung damage would be very interested to hear about it x
Hey. I used it to get rid of fleas, as I was trying to stay away from chemical pesticides. Food grade DE is safe enough. I did not use that as I did not know . The finer granules of non- food grade DE are like little glass shards in the lungs.I was in bad shape for a couple of years. Used serrapeptase at high doses for the scarring and infrared saunas. Now I have occasional asthma, but that’s all. Took a lot of healing work.
Thanks for getting back to me, I'm pretty sure it was food grade I was using, but have read that that is just as dangerous if inhaled, will look into that, can I ask how you know it was DE that caused ur damage, I tried explaining this to my GP and he just didnt have a clue what I was talking about, they know nothing g about alternative therapies, I was taking it for gut issues