I have been using the nano silver and it will not turn u blue or gray , been using as a nebulizer and taking 1 tsp when I think or feel i need it
Has anyone used the Nano Silver - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone used the Nano Silver

Hi. What do you use it for
Well done JillyBilly for trying out colloidal silver in your nebuliser, in my opinion it is a good option for lung infections, without the side effects of strong antibiotics which wear down the immune system.
Colloidal silver has been known about a long time, it is the only 'antibiotic' known to kill all types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. I think the main problems with CS seems to be genuine supply and dosage.
I first read about it in David Niven Miller's book Grow Youthful. growyouthful.com/remedy/col...
I would be interested to hear how you go on with your treatment, did you have any advice from anyone on dosage ?
As far as the nebulizer I just use full strength and I only put in a teaspoon ,
And I also drink a teaspoon a day
It is not colloidal silver it is nano silver and will not turn u blue or gray
Isn't it the same JillyBilly, nano means very small particles, colloidal means very small particles and there is only one silver ?
Yes JillBilly I sometimes nebulise the occasional teaspoon of silver if I feel I'm coming down with an infection. I can't say it helps or not as there are so many other supplements/natural antibiotics I take, but manage to keep in reasonably good health.

Hi all
The British Lung Foundation recommends you consult with your healthcare professionals before you use any alternative/complimentary products alongside or in place of your prescribed medications.
As with all complimentary/alternative products, there is no guarantee that they will have any effect on your condition.
If you would like any advice on the management of your condition please contact us on 03000 030 555
Best wishes