I purchased a salt lamp two weeks ago after doing a bit of research into them on the internet and finding that a lot of people with respiratory problems got some relief from them, also the fact that I use a pc for 8 hours a day too it states that the lamp helps to remove the positive ions from the air which can cause really bad headaches ... Im not one to get into silly remedies but I thought I would give it a try and got one and as it was only £14 it wasn't really breaking the bank. It arrived well packed and weighed 8lb (I was surprised at the weight as it was free postage) plugged it in and it has a lovely soft light to it, after using it for two weeks now I find that I no longer get stress headaches my eyes feel better and I have been coughing up a lot muck but not straining to do so ... even with the heat that we have had recently i've been able to cut down on my ventolin intake, so as far as i'm concerned it is definitely doing me some good ... has anyone else got one and what did you think of it.
Has Anyone used or got a Salt Lamp - Lung Conditions C...
Has Anyone used or got a Salt Lamp

" Hello to you..susteart....Yes!! i have a huge collection of Himalayan salt lamps of every size that is made.... and candle holders... i also swear by Himalayan Pink Salts....Pleased to learn that you also like them...Megan...PS..if you scroll through my past posts.. i have put a photo of my fireplace covered in them..lol...
Great minds think alike, Ive just ordered some Himalayan Pink Salts and two candle holders to go in the bathroom ... I love my baths and can spend hours in there reading a good book, did you get a salty taste when you first started using them, I did but that seems to have dissipated now.
" Yes..But like you say you eventually get used to it...a bit like the himalayan salt pipes.. do you use one ?..I have just read your profile..what a beautiful German shepherd you have.. i used to have two beautiful shepherds Gus..and Brogan.. i now only have Nell and Noah my border collies...which i love just as much..and you keep Parrots too..wow.. i used to work with Birds of all kinds and Dog Breeding Kennels when i worked.... In my youth... I worked alongside Gerald Durrell....and Sir Peter Scott They where bird experts. of the Day...have a nice evening....Megan."
Dear Megannell,
When reading your reply I noticed you mentioned that you worked with Birds when you were younger, I worked in a hatchery for seven years where we were breading quails pheasants and guinea fowl one of my of torts suggested that this environment contributed to my C O P D. would this be the case with you, awaiting your reply.
" Hello to you Gallmoe.
Thank you for your post...And Quick answer to your question..Yes!!..i worked on a poultry Farm for a year...working and looking after 3 large Battery house's..each one holding 20.000 chickens. and it was well before health and safety had been heard Ov'e....(Dust and fumes) like you couldn't believe existed..my hair and the rest of me was constantly covered in white thick dust.."Danda" and even worse than that... if at all possible was the stench of there droppings..the stench was so acidic...it felt the back your throat was burning..So after a number of jobs working with Birds.. I was diagnosed As well with ..Cage birds.. lung disease..and now cant be in the same area of birds...and last year i was diagnosed with stage 4 COPD...Fev1 %27..sorry i waffled on a bit But!.. hopefully I have answered your question....Have a lovely Weekend...Megan."
Many thanks Megan much appreciated, for years (4) I have had this I wondered, we bought out at least 65thousand babies a week after doing that we looked after the breading sheds which were putrid the smell, at times I used to collect the quail eggs in the breakers sheds four and a half to five hours twice a week. We had masks on the premises but were not compolsary to ware neither of the owners worn them only health issue was dunking our feet into a foot bath as not to transmit disease. we were never told to ware a mask. Thank you for your honest reply.
Wow! I'm really impressed - never heard of one of those before but I find it very appealing to look at. Gonna check it out at Amazon x It's really beautiful x
Im going to look into these. Ive always said natural products are far more effective than manufactured stuff. xx
So glad you like it and like you say it is a natural product so wont do us harm like the electronic smelly spray things that so many people have around their homes ... ive also found that it helps with the smell of a lovely wet german shepherd when he decides to jump in the river sometimes ( this is a smell that only a dog lover can appreciate) would love to hear what you think when you get one.
" Hello to you Jjude..I have all these salt lamps..they are all from Amazon..i am a big collector of salt lamps..hope this link may be of some help to you...Megan."
Hi austerity. Yes I have three of them. One in the bedroom and couple in the kitchen dining room. They have helped me a lot. I sleep like a log! The light they give out is beautiful. I was told to leave them on all the time as they sweat salt.
It is winter here in Sydney thank goodness try and stay cool in that heatwave I feel for you people over there. I've just noticed I've spelt your name wrong sorry
Love Leelee. 🐨

Lol call me what you like ..just don't call me late for dinner ... nice to hear that you too get relief from the lamps ... Gosh wish i was in Sydney the heat here has been stifling especially when your not used to it, i've never been a sun worshiper and prefer to sit in the shade but it has been too hot to that here with breathing problems.
Hello again susteart, I wasborn in the uk now live in Sydney, the summers here can be very harsh for people with our condition, there's only one thing I do and that is keep out of the in the middle of the day or have a cool shower which helps a bit. I hope it cools down for you soon. Leelee 🐨. X
After reading this I went to Amazon and ordered one!
Salt lamp manufacturers selling out everywhere ha ha ha!!!! They'll be like "what's going on?"
I have just ordered a small salty lamp and two candle holders from the salty lamp website. hopefully they will be with me in the next couple of days.
was told by the man on the phone the lamp would last about 10 years. now thats a bargain