I have read on the internet that salt therapy is beneficial in treating COPD and would like to know if anyone here has heard of this, and/or used it? If so, were good results obtained?
Has anyone used a Halotherapy Device ... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone used a Halotherapy Device for their COPD?

Some people have found a benefit to using salt lamps etc.
This may be useful...ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl....
Strange you should post this at this time. I was clearing out a cupboard yesterday and found my salt pipe that I had forgotten about. I decided to put clean salt in it and give it a good, regular try! Only started yesterday, if it helps (many swear by it) it helps, if not, no harm done! Take care xx
I've recently bought a nebulizer for salt inhalations as I have Bronchiectasis COPD asthma. Went to see Respiratory specialist and he said that the vials you need to take first is 0.09% saline if you get wheezy stop. Then later progress to 7% saline. Family said that they heard good reports on visiting a salt cave, all the best for everything
I tried a salt pipe and a salt lamp but didnt find they helped at all. I have read that salt caves are beneficial but havent visited one. Have a try and see how you feel it is a natural substance so cant see any harm in trying x
I find a salt pipe helps a lot when I have a cold, to lessen the length of time it affects my throat, sinuses and lungs.
I've recently enjoyed my first visit to a salt cave that employed a halogenerator to get my halotherapy. It was amazing and look forward to when I go again. I was a sceptic but not any more.