My practice nurse has started me on inhalers to try to bring down the lung inflammation which seems to rise every time I have my FeNo checked, as in 43, initially ,then 88 and most recent 117. Since I've been using the Qvar inhaler, or even the salbutamol inhaler, it seems to make me start coughing and even bringing up frothy sputum. I have also a small amount of bronchiectasis in the middle lobe of my right lung. My husband said yesterday since starting the inhalers I seem worse. Is this a usual thing ? Does anyone else find this? To me it seems a bit strange. The nurse feelsI may have eosinophilic asthma, and so this is why the inhalers. Thanks for any thoughts.
Inhalers: My practice nurse has started... - Lung Conditions C...

Am I right in thinking that Qvar is a preventive inhaler, to be taken regular every day? This should address inflammation as it contains a steroid. My understanding of salbutamol based on previous research is that e.g. salbutamol actually causes inflammation but is a bronchodilator so widens the airways to make breathing easier.
If you read Buteyko's work on treating asthma, he references the introduction of salbutomol in Australia in the 50s (I think) and there was a large increase of deaths following its introduction, attributed to the nflammation caused by it. So it is not as benign as one might think.
Do you rinse out or gargle after taking the Qvar? Its residue can cause thrush otherwise so important to do that - assume you would have been told to.
You need to have another chat with your nurse, maybe ask for referral to a consultant. The forum helpline is very good at advising so you could call them to discuss. Please can someone put the helpline number on here? - thanks
I do see a respiratory consultant. I have had a CT of my sinus to see if the inflammation is coming from there, but as I told him I don't have any problems that I am aware of. I do have a strong family history of asthma, and I had problems in my 20's for a short time. It was the Nice guidelines on FeNo and strong family history that pushed the probability of asthma. I do rinse or brush after use to prevent thrush, but thanks for the reminder.
I don't know why they are not showing the helpline as they used to, I looked for it the other day and couldn't find itbx
Since being diagnosed with overlap asthma I have been having a real job finding an inhaler that doesn't make me cough and am beginning to wonder if I really need one, although it does help with the over production of mucus. I am on Relvar at the moment. Keep us updated if you find one that suits you x
I use Qvar as a preventative to damp down inflammation and salbutamol when needed .
Do you use a spacer with the Qvar …I asked my consultant years ago if Ventolin / Salbutamol can have a rebound effect , he said some patients can suffer .
Have you had any allergy skin tests ?
I find separate preventer and reliever work best for me …not a combined inhaler .
I practiced Buteyko breathing , but got lazy and stopped . It helped me , but the danger is doing it wrong , even though seems simple ,can make it worse .
Neil Tranter on you tube I find helpful and Chibs Okereke for his meditation practice .
Some good advice though about stopping a tickly cough , and when you are ready use a productive cough to clear lungs .