Hi ,
Since I was diagnosed April 9th with mild COPD I went and saw two other doctors - that’s just me being normally hypochondriac-
First doctor put me immediately on two inhalers Symbicort two puffs two times daily , and Soiriva 18mg that pill popper inhaler.
I have no symptoms no SOB and frankly I don’t feel any difference after taking them except for the heart pounding for couple of hours after Spiriva
Second doctor told me to drop the inhalers
3rd doctor with second spirometer test also told me not to use them
I frankly don’t know the use for each and stopped since 15th April , and I don’t know if I should use them while I’m mild with no symptoms , are they going to improve my next PFT and that’s why the first doctor asked me to take it and come after one month to repeat the test (sounds unreasonable) (I know also doing two spirometer tests in 9 days window and expecting different results is unreasonable too 🤦🏻♂️😄) , second doctor asked me to come after 3 months to repeat the test ..
So confused
Anyone was put on those inhalers while with no symptoms and mild COPD FEV1 95% , FVC 118% , FEV1/FVC 68.6
Shall I get back on it for the next test
Thank you all and god bless