Cor Blimey ! as some English folk say ! - the other day , I actually saw a lady giving her dog an Inhaler through a mask - the dog didn't seem to mind either, his tail was wagging away - I never even thought that animals can have Respiratory problems, let alone receive relief from them with inhalers - obviously - WE ARE NOT ALONE ! - hows about a Rehabilitation Course for them too ? !! ..any thoughts on this one folks ... ( I've got a cat - do they have puffing problems as well ? ! )....
Inhalers for dogs ? ! ..: Cor Blimey... - Lung Conditions C...
Inhalers for dogs ? ! ..

Not unusual.
Flovent Inhaler for Pets
Like humans, dogs and cats can suffer from asthma and bronchitis. The symptoms are similar too – wheezing, coughing, and restricted breathing. Prescription Flovent HFA is an inhaled steroid that decreases swelling and irritation of the airways and can help your pet breathe easier.
Treats chronic bronchitis in dogs and cats and chronic feline asthma and sinusitis
Flovent has no demonstrated side effects
Most effective when used with the AeroKat or AeroDawg Aerosol Chambers
Flovent HFA (fluticasone) is an inhaled aerosol steroid that is proven effective in humans, as well as cats and dogs suffering from chronic asthma or bronchitis. Your veterinarian can choose from three different strengths of Flovent for your pet. A built-in dose counter on the canister makes it easy to track the number of doses left. Using special feline and canine aerosol masks (sold separately) helps ensure that your pet receives the full dose of Flovent.
Fluticasone is a active ingredient in many COPD inhalers.
For your cat AeroKat chamber
My last three cats were diagnosed with asthma after catching pneumonia......exactly the same as me.
The horse that my daughter rode had to take Ventolin as it wheezed. did she .
I'm no vet but dogs do suffer with similar illness to us the only difference is dogs seem to recover a lot quicker
horses ponies & donkeys can also get copd , they can now treat them with inhalers and steroids
Yep known as 'Heaves' or 'Broken wind' (as opposed to 'broke wind' which an entirely different thing... lol) - they get it from mould in their feed/bedding/stable and used to also be triggered by being over worked.
Not sure how you'd persuade a cat to cooperate.
It might if it felt better. I had to groom one disabled cat who could not groom herself. It was a weekly struggle, but she didn't fight back as much as she could have done, and she didn't send me to Coventry after each session, because she knew it was helping her.
My cat has blocked tear ducts, I'm supposed to bathe her eyes daily - getting her used to it was a struggle but now I just hold the swabs and she rubs her eyes on them. Not sure if she'd be so obliging if I had to hold an oxygen mask over her face though but, you never know do you.