Really struggling to do anything as I get breathless after coughing or even making a cuppa .think I'm also suffering from anxiety if I know I have to do something that will kick in the problem waiting for my first spirometry test Would it help to buy a nebuliser or do I go back to doctors but they keep saying I need to have the spirometry test then move on from there .
Breathless : Really struggling to do... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi, sorry to hear you are struggling, appreciating you are wanting to try and help yourself but I wouldn't suggest trying a nebuliser (unless you've been prescribed one in the past) without a clinical diagnosis for the breathlessness, you don't know if nebulising could make you feel worse, which I'm presuming you want to avoid, i didn't neb until I finally saw my consultant and he prescribed it, I'd get back to your gp, push for spirometry (or you can pay for it privately if you are able) unfortunately every treatment is a waiting game now, i really hope you have some luck with your gp, lots of good wishes x N
Thanks for the advise Got a spirometry test booked 24th march first date available as I was on antibiotics they said I need 6 weeks gap .do I struggle on or go back to my GP or speak to a COPD nurse at the doctor's
Good news you have the spirometry booked 😊 I hope that gives you some answers and help onwards, in the meantime if you're struggling I would contact either your gp or nurse, they may be able to advise on the nebuliser option or at least advise on upping meds you are already on, the lovely people on here have taught me to stop struggling on and insist someone at my gp practice helps, so I'm trying to pass this message through, I think whatever our breathing issues too many of us struggle quietly at home not wanting to be a bother and that isn't helping our conditions, I hope you get some help and relief as soon as possible x N
Thank you i am one of those people I'll see how I am tomorrow don't want to bother or waste people's time do not know what normal is any more .I'll give the doctors a call in the morning thanks again for the advice x
Welcome to the forum. You can always phone the Helpline for advice, on 0300 222 5800, if you do not want to trouble your doctor. I should not be too hasty in buying a nebuliser. See what the medical people think is best for you.
Definitely contact someone tomorrow if your still feeling unwell and unsure, especially as the weekend is coming, that's not when you need to be looking for help, although 111 are good for out of hours, they'll get you appointments if needed, or local walk in centres are helpful too, if you have one 😊 I'm one of those people too, don't want to be seen as a nuisance, but this wonderful forum, full of people with different issues but all struggling to breath have made me realise I have to value myself enough to make a noise when I know I need help, people living with similar conditions are the very best people I've found to listen to for their own experiences and advice, I hope you start to feel better, but definitely go find that help if feel you need to x N
You've had gd like to add that anxiety does impact breathing.have u spoken to Dr about it.if not,I would.also,take a look on aluk website,at controlled pursed lips breathing does help with slowing breathing down,and helps with anxiety associated breathing probs .u do need to sit & practise it so it's easy to slip into when u need to x
Breathlessness is caused by numerous different things, when I asked my consultant why I was so breathless he said, you have emphysema, Aspergillosis, lung scarring, add to that anxiety and a allergy cough it’s hardly surprising you get breathless. A spirometry test just assess your lung function against an average benchmark on its own it’s not a diagnosis. Diagnosis comes from X-ray, CT scans, broncoscopy etc.
Sorry to hear you are struggling, really not nice to go through. I looked after my Mum who had a condition that affected her breathing and these are a few things that were suggested to her, maybe one method will help but I think it varies on the individual.
Cool air/fan
Breathing techniques ( especially if you start to feel anxious from it)
Please do call GP, breathlessness can be frightening and sooner you get some relief and answers the better. If you don't call them someone else will, not like they will be going home early as no patients to see. Make yourself your priority. X
A nebuliser would help in regards to your breathlessness and will also help to remove the phlegm from your chest. You can use just plain saline water nebules or your Dr can prescribe the salbutamol nebules should you need them. I would speak with your Dr to see what he would advise in regards to the nebules. All the very best x