Hi everyone thanks again for stopping by and reading my blog yesterday you are truly amazing people to do what you do and carry on and I feel I've developed some good friends here, so annoying to my self again I've fallen of the wagon of 10 minutes of reassurance from my docs yesterday but it feels good in that present time even though it doesn't last . I find myself full of questions that I forget to ask it maynot be relevant to me but I like to learn and I'm very persistent but in a nice way after all its are ow body's so we have a right to no. I keep thinking emphysema, I've never had a dlco test how do the doctors no its not emphysema if I haven't had that test, just based on my spirometry and chest xrays ok I walk alot but I get breathless ok my troubles are I think of breathing 24/7 I even dream about it and if you have phisical feelings then you want to no or you think there's some more going on I no everyone is different and I see story's of people that has emphysema thats got a normal spirometry so what's the difference with me and them they could be fine in them selves I want to no why doctors are so sure it's not emphysema when I've asked they said no sign of it sorry guys had a wobble I woke up this morning breathless and finding my self taking a breath in and holding it strange I no
Waking up breathless: Hi everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Waking up breathless

Hang on to drs reassurance and yr diagnosis of dysfunctional breathing.DONT hold yr breath,u need to relax and breathe.do read up on controlled breathing + practise it x
Where can we buy a copy of your book, Bryan? I'm sure a lot of members would be interested.

I'm still in the process of writing it hopefully later next year 🙏
Sorry Bryan I hadn’t read all your posts, the book is the third item on your list, I’ll look forward to it. 🙂
Hi Bryan, May I suggest you ask for an arterial blood gas test to see whether your retaining co2……this can cause breathlessness……you mentioned you breathe in then hold your breath try not to do this as holding your breath can make things worse…….strategies to try…..breathe in for 4(smell the flower) breathe out for8(blow the petals) pursed lips…….the more you do this it should come as second nature.
Good luck to you.
Hi when the doc done the pulse ox yesterday it was 98 everything to her adds up to dysfunctional breathing I also have a hiatus hernia I mentioned I've had a weeze only when led down had it for 3 years and she says its acid reflux I burp through my chest when led down, all this maybe stress anxiety gerd dysfunctional breathing more than anything else my doctor isn't concerned over my lungs
Not implying problems with your lungs…..dysfunctional breathing can lead to problems with gas exchange.
Commend you on seeking private therapist to help you change your breathing pattern.
Good luck 🤞
Hi lol it's me again, you need to remember that your thoughts and breathing have been going on for some time. There will be times when the reassurance and logic fails. Do not be hard on yourself. It as taken time to get to this position and it will take time to get out of it. I said to myself well that was not a good day but let's see what tomorrow will bring. It is a gradual process. If you can alter your behaviour for an hour it is still better than the day before. Set little goals. Keep going.
Hi BryanIf you keep a little book and pen beside you when you think of a question you could maybe write it down . That way it won’t be forgotten.
When I had my spirometry test the guy said “ well I can tell you’ve got asthma.” So spirometry tests can tell a lot.