My usual clues as to the start of chest infection have been hanging around for a couple of days so I started on rescue meds yesterday and managed to get sample for testing this morning so rang for same day appointment, 2hrs later I was in with Dr ( can't pronounce her name let alone spell it) anyway I explained the problem and suspicion of infection. (records from previous GP not filtered through yet) told her I started rescue pack and she seemed surprised that my previous GP had given me one. Usual routine chest sounds a bit crackly but she didn't think it was infection ( I live with this everyday ) I know my body and how it feels also had enough of them to know that it is, so she asked me if I knew what meds I usually take for it ( it was on her screen in front of her + the fact I am unable to swallow tabs) so I told her both facts twice, anyway she gave me script. I also told her that I am taking citalopram tablets ( crushed up) and asked if there was a liquid form of same,she said no, to which I replied yes there is, there are drops so she checked her screen and agreed that there are but told me that they are not as affective as the tabs so wouldn't prescribe them for me and carry on crushing.Needless to say I wasn't happy with my 1st visit. The chemist is next door to surgery so I toddled off to fill my script as usual and guess what she had...........the doxy were caps not dispersible, luckily I checked when I got into car, so I headed straight back in to surgery to ask reception to speak to DR .........but as luck would have it she was heading out for lunch and she went back to her room to do right script for me ( thats the only plus of my 1st visit and last visit to her) Next time I need to see a Dr it wont be her.
1st visit to Dr since moving to Cornwall - Lung Conditions C...
1st visit to Dr since moving to Cornwall

I was interested in your description of your doctor. You are right not to go back to her. She doesn't take in what is said to her so go to another doctor. We are thinking of moving from the area. I need to find a doctor as good as the one I have now.
she seemed more interested in escaping to go for lunch that what I was telling her. I hope you find a good 1, it;s just a pity I moved over 200 miles from my last surgery it was very busy but the staff always had a smile and made time for the patients
Oh Ann1web you poor lamb, I have had experiences like that & it is really soul destroying, I feel for you, I hope the practice has more than two Dr,s as you may find you have no choice otherwise
It,s hard enough finding a practice that will take you on yet alone a decent Dr these days!!! Good Luck with you meds I hope they work soon, & you have the energy to sort your GP problem out
Karen xxxx
Hi Karen its good to see you back there are 3 practices integrated in the surgery so Ill try each and every Dr if thats what it takes to find 1 that actually takes time to listen, and meanwhile I'll be doing some research of other surgeries in the area just in case that does not get me anywhere. She may just be non sympathetic with patients with "self induced conditions" but that is no excuse
My GP has just stopped my HRT, even though I have a heart condition, & oesteoporosis, it,s supposed to give protection for those conditions, but you need it for ten years, I had it for six years, & they just refused to listen when I tried to explain about the latest research, Drs treat you like children these days, & don't start me on how they treat "self inflicted conditions" I,ll be here for a week
Good luck with your research Ann
Karen xxxx
Hi Ann, It's an absolute pain when you end up meeting a Doctor like that, They don't like it when you know more about your case then they do. They assume you do not know anything untill being told by them. Hope you have better luck with the next. Nannyb xxx
Hi ann1webb, it is such a shame so many doctors think they know more about our bodies than we do. They may know lots in theory but we know how it feels on the inside. Good luck with your search.
I had a rotten Doctor who never listened to me. He was so bad our Son often went privately to a GP. He has retired now, and the new Doctor is lovely. She talks my meds over with me and seems so caring. The Practice Nurse is the same and has even printed things she feels might interest me from the internet. Keep looking.
Hi Anna, I hope your feeling better soon, maybe when you are better you could go back and have a chat with her let her know how you felt after this visit.
Oh dear, oh dear! I'm glad you stand firm! But why should we do this all the time?
Doctors should want to see us healthy! I hope you can organise to see a "proper" doctor and a good consultant too, and a nice pulmonary nurse. keep standing firm to get the sort of med that you need.