Just had a wonderful weekend and now ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Just had a wonderful weekend and now back to more hospital appointments.

MoyB profile image
65 Replies

Hi, all! I've had a funny few months since falling out of the front door in June. As my friend predicted, 'Once they've got you in their sights, they find all sorts of things you didn't know you'd got!' Bless her! This time she was accurate with her prediction of doom - although that's not entirely a true summing up of the situation.

To recap - I tripped, fell out of the front door, onto the step and down it onto the block paving, sustaining a sternal fracture and a huge haematoma on my knee. The CT scans taken at A&E showed up issues with my colon, duodenum and lung.

So, I've had two colonoscopies, a gastroscopy, an endoscopic ultrasound, biopsies and umpteen hospital appointments, phone calls and all the texts asking, 'How was your visit here today?'

Add to this, a broken crown (thanks to some very hard sour bread), dental appointments for broken teeth (where I hit the paving) and our much loved cat having a blooming seizure entailing several vet's appointments including blood tests for which we had to collect and give her sedation (the cat - not the vet!), and I am jiggered! To put it politely!

However, at Christmas, our son gave to me a home made voucher, entitling my husband and me to join him and his wife on a nostalgic weekend in South Wales, visiting the places of my childhood and meeting with old friends.

We finally found a weekend that we could all go - only just avoiding another 'procedure' which the hospital kindly adjusted so that I could still do the trip - in the car - not down the doorstep again!

This happened last weekend and was wonderful!

We drove from Eastbourne to Cwmbran on Friday and back again yesterday. I feel as though I've been away for a fortnight as, for just a few days, there was no talk of hospitals or doctors appointments - except the phone call that came en route on Friday telling me I have another appointment this week.

So, our son drove us. We stayed in the Cwmbran Premier Inn which was comfortable and had a restaurant alongside. Staff were all lovely and attentive. The bed was comfy!

We found my father's grave and made it look pretty with some new plants. We met two old school friends and then, to top it all, I finally tracked down my cousin who lives in Cwmbran and had suddenly stopped all contact. A chat with her old neighbours confirmed my worst suspicions - she has been in a care home for two years having had a stroke and dementia. They gave me all the details of the home and, after a phone call to check it was ok to visit, my daughter in law and I went to see cousin Marilyn.

My cousin, who was lost to me for many years due to a disagreement between our fathers, is a lovely person and she has retained her sunny personality, despite being robbed of so much memory that she had no clue who I was! The staff clearly love her and she is well cared for, so my mind is at rest, having worried about her for so long. I have no idea why none of her daughters responded to my letters, Christmas cards and diverted phone calls, but as they have never met me, I suppose I would be low on their list of people to contact when they were worried about their mother.

It may be the last time I get to Wales, unless my son suggests we go again but I have now got fresh memories and photos to look back on and keep me going. Friendships have been renewed and I can resume writing to Marilyn, although she won't know who the cards are from, she will like the prettiness of them, I'm sure.

So tomorrow, it's back to the round of appointments. Resp consultant in the morning to discuss the lung nodule, followed by a quick visit to see my friend in the hospital as she is in there recovering from a stroke, then dentist in the afternoon. Thursday is free - until the phone rings again - but on Friday I have the gastroenterologist in the morning and then in the afternoon I have a curious appointment requested by the GP to discuss the letter received from the hospital where I had the endoscopic ultrasound procedure. Perhaps the morning and afternoon appointments will be about the same thing. We shall see!?

So here I am, sitting on my emotional see saw again. 'Is it a good thing that I'm being seen locally on Friday morning instead of being called back to Guildford? Is this an indication that biopsies etc have come back showing the tumour is benign so no further treatment required? Is it bad news best imparted by the local team? Is it no news at all, but just a routine catch up?

As for the afternoon appointment with the GP, I have no clue at all what they might wish to discuss. Could be good, could be bad, could be stuff I already know.

Ah well, best put it all to one side until the appointments happen.

Meanwhile, I'm off to collect our lovely girl from the cattery now! A few purrs and a cuddle from her will make everything seem normal again!

Please excuse the long post with all its ups and downs, but I find it such a help to share it all with you.

Best wishes to you all.

xx Moy

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MoyB profile image
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65 Replies
Annscottie profile image

What a wonderful upbeat post from someone going through the mill! Full of humour - love it.

Really hope the news is good with your appointments and life can return to 'normal' .

Best wishes. x

sassy59 profile image

Ups and downs is an understatement dear Moy and I’m pleased you had such a lovely weekend. Catching up with cousin Marilyn and others must have brought you joy. You have wonderful memories and who knows, you might get back to Cwmbran one day.

Hoping all the appointments go well as you’ve certainly been through it recently. Cuddles with puss will help keep you calm. Hope she’s ok.

Sending lots of hugs and good wishes.

Carole xxx🤗🩷🩵🩷🙏🏻

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply tosassy59

Socks was so pleased to see us, Carole! Thankfully, she seems to have taken to the cattery well and, apart from spitting at her neighbours when she first arrives, she settles quickly and seems content when we go to collect her. However, as soon as I said her name she was up and ready to get in her box to come home.

I'm off to my resp consultant this morning. At least that will be one thing out of the way, then dentist this afternoon. Oh joy!

I hope you and Pete are ok. xx Moy

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toMoyB

Socks sounds gorgeous and l hope all goes well for you today. I don’t like the dentist but have an hygienist appointment soon. Urgh!

We’re not too bad thank you and happy to be having flu and Covid jabs next week.

You take care xxxx❤️😘

Turnipgirl profile image

I remember swimming in a sea of appointments back in 2017 after I had blood clots in the lungs!

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toTurnipgirl

That's a great way of describing how it feels! Just waiting for the tide to turn again. xx Moy

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply toMoyB

It's swimming this afternoon at 2pm!

I did originally book for 3 as I wasn't sure how long I was going to be as I met a friend in town and we went to a jobs fair together and had a nice productive morning out!

Yesterday afternoon I had an e mail from the bank over a petty matter and I have put in a complaint with them over how I was treated as how dare they disturb me over something so petty!

However I have agreed to reduce my overdraft by £25 a month and got rid of that rip off account that was £22 a month to service and asked for their current account instead which doesn't have a monthly fee so that's that sorted and I will be £22 a month better off!

Also about £80 a month better off as well as I got extremely fed up with having to book an appointment for Sunday lunch at the local pub every week so decided to save myself the upset and not bother!

Say if I had gone over the agreed overdraft then fair enough they ring me but I hadn't and I feel that was stupid and petty which is why I put in that complaint!

How's Socks the cat doing?

Baby is great and sends her regards!

Another mate of mine has an extremely spoilt beagle called Poppy who was 5 last week and had a birthday party!

She's too frightened to pick the phone up and talk to the bank about her money problems but not talking doesn't solve problems does it?

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toTurnipgirl

I'm glad you've got the bank issue sorted. What's your new plan for Sunday lunch? Is there somewhere else you can go or will you cook for yourself?

Socks is very happy to be home from the cattery but she seemed content there when we went to collect her. She's been very loving (in a 'give me my food' sort of way! Lol!) and spent the night on our bed. She's a happy little thing and gives us a lot of pleasure. She sends love and purrs to Baby!

xx Moy

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply toMoyB

What we decided on was one Sunday it will be at home and then the next somewhere out and Sunday coming more than likely it will be at a greasy spoon so it will be a bit of both on a Sunday than get upset over having to make an appointment for that stupid pub!

Turns out that stupid pub is fully booked for Christmas day and it's only October and I feel it's a favour as we have been stopped from being ripped off!

I think it's ridiculous myself having to make an appointment every week just for that!

Making healthcare appointments fair enough but appointments for that is ridiculous!

It gets on my nerves does having to book appointments for trivial things like that stupid pub!

peege profile image

Wonderful Mrs Glass Half Full MoyB ! Just what you needed and how great it is to have a loving supportive family. I'm thinking of you and wishing you all the very best with these upcoming appointments. ××× 💐 and 🤞

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply topeege

Thank you. It's the resp consultant and dentist today, so at least they'll be over with soon.

xx Moy

helenlw7 profile image

Cuddles with pets are worth their weight in gold, I have two very cuddly dogs and they can turn a bad day into a good one.

I agree with once you’ve got one condition, they attract more. In September 2004 I was 100% healthy, barely had a day off school or work due to sickness. From October 2004 I’ve collected rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, allergic asthma alongside about 12 allergies, bronchiecstasis, a nodule in my lung, a duodenal ulcer, adrenal insufficiency, spinal stenosis and IPF, and I can only walk with crutches. I’m not looking for sympathy with my long list of conditions. Im very independent and love my life!

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply tohelenlw7

My husband says I'm trying to work through the medical book and will be ok once I get to 'Z'!

You can certainly beat me with your 'collection'. Isn't it weird how we can be so well for so long then everything starts to wear out and drop off? Lol! I'm glad that despite it all, you're still able to be independent and enjoy life. xx Moy

helenlw7 profile image

It’s very weird. I can pinpoint the date my RA started properly, although I’d had twinges going back to my teenage years - my elderly country town dr said it was growing pains! I was running 3 times a week up to the last Thursday in October (school half term holiday). I was 48 and the first gp said I was too young for it to be RA!

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply tohelenlw7

One of my friends has had rheumatoid arthritis since she was in her 20s so no it doesn't discriminate depending on how old you are!

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply toTurnipgirl

Nobody has questioned my age since diagnosis, but I definitely think I’ve had it longer than 20 years, for example I had pain in both shoulders when I was 40 and my then gp said it was my age! He has gone on to become the RA specialist at his surgery!

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply tohelenlw7

Perhaps your GP realised he didn't know what he was talking about and did some more training! Fancy blaming it on your age!

Even if it was, it wouldn't make it any less painful, would it?

I think that the older GPs used to say this when they just didn't know what to diagnose but didn't want to admit a gap in their knowledge. Thankfully, they seem to be more open and honest about things now - sometimes when you wish they weren't! Lol!

xx Moy

leo60 profile image

Hi Moy! Thank you for your lovely description of your Welsh trip, I almost felt like I'd gone with you 😊

You have so much going on health wise, it must have been so good to get away from all your appointments. I hope all your results go your way Moy and that the cat is ok too.

My philosophy is not to worry about something that might not actually be!🤷‍♀️

Thinking of you, Laurie xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toleo60

Socks, the cat, came back home yesterday and has been very loving. She spent the night on top of the bed with us and we've had lovely cuddles.

I've got the resp consultant later and then the dentist this afternoon so at least two of the appointments will be done and dusted by tea time!

I also abide by the philosophy of don't worry about something you can't change or may not be an issue. However, no one has told my night time brain that! 🤣xx Moy

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply toMoyB

Good to hear Socks is home and happy Moy 😊

Good luck with your appointments today. Wrap up warm, we have a chilly NE wind today. Brrrrr🥶

Hope once you get some answers your brain allows you some decent sleep😜😜

Take care, Laurie xx

Ern007 profile image

Gosh Moy I thought I had a huge diary for medical apointments. But you need a much larger diary that I.

One thing - I am checked annually for node in my lungs, they are 6 mm and spread but nome malignant - Most are not Moy, so fingers crossed for you..

Glad you got a good weekend , must have been a welcome distraction.

Hugs from out Black She Cat and Black and Whire Top for your Puss, who will be glad to be back home.

Wishing you all the best x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toErn007

Thanks for your reply, Ern. I suspect you are putting up with far more appointments than I am, but at least I can cross another two off today - resp consultant and dentist.

How have they kept a check on your nodules? I thought I was going to have another CT scan before today's appointment but I've heard nothing. Did you have a biopsy to check for malignancy or did they tell from the scan? The results of my last scan were that it was suspicious. The consultant wanted to discuss the results further with the person who did the scan as it was unclear if it was the previously identified nodule, in which case it had grown, or if it was a new one. He did say that it was possible for the scan to have been taken from a slightly different angle and the apparent change in size could be due to that. However, it was reported as being 'spiculated' which is a possible sign of malignancy - hence the 'suspicious' label.

My appointment is at 10.40 am so I'll be glad to get to lunch time - even if I will be going to the dentist after that!

xx Moy

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply toMoyB

Sorry just got up Moy, did not have best of night.

This is how my nodules are checked.

2021 Shadow see on xray by my GP, that was repeated.

I was referred to RESP and had CT with Contrast which showed nodule right Apex/

I was then given a Pet Scan which showed I had nodules, 6mm but had spread to right lung.

I was checked 2022 but after a farce at hospital, my nodules 6mm.

2023 I have Bladder Cancer and had a routine scan before my BCG treatment started,

Scan showed a 6mm nodule.

This year Iout of the blue I was senr for a CT scan by RESP which I had and have heard nothing.

So most nodulesare not malignant MOY - and until they are 9mm they seem not to be an imidiate concern. even 9mm does not mean it's for sure nalignant.

As you can see they are vhecked yearly.

Again try not to worry. :-) xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toErn007

Well, Ern, you were absolutely right to say not to worry! I should have had a letter, apparently, to tell me that my CT scan has been reviewed by two more radiographers and results discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting. It has been decided that they are benign and require no follow up. Sorry, I'm saying 'they' but only one was suspicious.

Anyway, my resp consultant was very apologetic that I had not been notified. Half of me could have throttled him for not making sure I'd been told straight away and the other half was so relieved I could have hugged him! I did neither, you'll be pleased to know.

Thank you for your reassurance. Sometimes, people who have been through the same thing give more accurate answers than the consultants do and yours is very helpful.

xx Moy

Alberta56 profile image

I'm glad you had such a lovely time in Wales. Hope the news at your appointments is good and the number of medical appointments begins to reduce. (Though it's good that they are giving you such a thorough MOT.) Fingers crossed for many more trips to Wales. xxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toAlberta56

Thank you!

How are you? xx Moy

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply toMoyB

Not that good- just recovering from a bout of something. Finding husband's dementia hard to deal with when I'm not well. Things will be better next week. 🙂🙂xxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toAlberta56

My brother had Lewy Body dementia and I have four friends, one whose husband has Lewy Body and the others with husbands in various stages of Alzheimers. Another friend has Alzheimers himself but it's in the very early stages and he's been given the new medication to see if it helps. All the wives are finding it hard to cope as, like you, they have their own medical issues and the caring for some has become a physical task as well as emotional.

My sister-in-law in Cheshire found the local Alzheimers Society offered her the most support, even though my brother didn't actually have Alzheimers. I hope you have family, friends or a support group near to you.

As you say, next week will be better! Always look on the bright side and take each day as it comes.

I hope you feel better soon.

xx Moy

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply toMoyB

Thank you for listening to my moan. I'm definitely feeling better today. I hope your friend's medication really helps. Brian was diagnosed 10 years ago and was prescribed a medicine called Memantine, which has really delayed the progression of the illness. I think there are newer, and hopefully better, treatments now. xxx

O2Trees profile image

Thinking of you Moy - what a roller coaster you've been on. Stay strong :) :)

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toO2Trees

It's all been a bit manic but perhaps it will all turn out to be a storm in a tea cup. The Welsh weekend came just at the right time. xx Moy

Hi Moy I have replied to you a few days ago on private chat.

I am pleased to hear for all your troubles you had a super few days away. I do lots of family history and I have been in the past to lots of places where my ancestors lived and met long lost relatives! Amazing.

Good luck with everything and hope you read my other post

Best wishes

Mona xxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toBronchiectasislady69

Hi, Mona,

Sorry, I missed your PM. I don't get any notification when they come and often forget to look.

I will reply later but have to crack on now as have the resp appointment this morning. xx Moy

B0xermad profile image

Blimey what busy time you are having Moy,I hope it's good news for you and less appointments soon and definitely a roller-coaster you are on .Best of luck and keep us all posted .glad you enjoyed your holiday and made new memorable moments.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toB0xermad

Thank you! All is well with the nodule. I should have had a letter telling me it's benign! Now I'm waiting for the other appointments tomorrow re my stomach issues. Fingers crossed that's benign too. xx Moy

B0xermad profile image
B0xermad in reply toMoyB

Wishing you luck

B0xermad profile image
B0xermad in reply toMoyB

Wishing you luck

Bingo88 profile image

Good morning MoyB. You have certainly had a really hard time recently. Let's hope your on your well on the way to better health now and so pleased you had a Wonderful weekend down South Wales with friends and family. I always enjoyed going down to cwmbran and the South Wales area in my working days as a delivery driver. Take care. Brian

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toBingo88

I grew up mostly in Newport and, oddly, although Cwmbran was closer geographically, I never went there - except once when a boyfriend took me to his home to meet his mum and dad. It was a one off as I was only 16 and it was all getting a bit heavy.

So I have visited my cousin in Cwmbran before but hadn't really appreciated how close it was to my old home in Malpas.

We took a drive to Twm Barlwm. My word, that was a bit hairy! Single track road and everybody on it was going in the opposite direction. Full marks to my son for a careful and considerate drive and no bad temper at having to keep reversing back to let others pass. Lol!

I had forgotten how lovely the area around Twm Barlwm is. We used to do an Easter walk up the Pimple (the little extra bit on top of the mountain.)

It was lovely to show my son and his wife all my old haunts and meet a couple of my old school friends. xx Moy

Lupaal profile image

What a lovely son, a nice break in-between all the medical visits.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toLupaal

He really is a lovely son - I'm very lucky - and my daughter in law is the best you could wish for.

It was a wonderful weekend and it took my mind off things, which was great. xx Moy

Izb1 profile image

Oh my word Moy what a busy time you have had. I am pleased for you that you had a little holiday in between, it really helps to put you back on track and catch your breath. Good luck for today and hope all goes well with the dentist x

helen1946 profile image

May your god bless you and keep you all safe.memories are so special.xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply tohelen1946

It was certainly a great way of reviving a lot of old memories. I kept a log so that I won't forget them! xx Moy

watergazer profile image

What a great post. You are so full of humour even though you have had many things to endure. So glad you were able to get away and enjoy Cwmbran Good luck with the appointments and fingers crossed that puss is okay with you. We had a cat who was let out then disappeared for a month but boy when he finally made his way home all scraggy and dirty , he went on and on and on in a loud yowl for days as if it was our fault. 🤣. Take care xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply towatergazer

When we got Socks home she settled back in and was very cuddly - but also very vocal! I think she had learned a few swear words from the boy in the pen next to her! xx Moy

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply toMoyB


Mooka profile image

What a lovely weekend you had and a lovely son and daughter in law for doing all that. I’m so pleased for you that you were able to get away from medical appointments for a while. I hope your appointments go well for you this week. 💐

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toMooka

When I get past tomorrow's two appointments I can relax - I hope! I should know what's what by this time tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I have to confess to someone ...

...I made our Christmas cake three weeks ago and have been lovingly feeding it with brandy.

Yesterday, the temptation got too much for us and we cut it and ate a couple of pieces to 'see if it was ok'. We weren't 'quite sure' so had another couple of pieces today. Still 'not sure' so will have to have some more tomorrow, I think! Well, I can always make another one. At least it wasn't iced! 🤣 xx Moy

Mooka profile image
Mooka in reply toMoyB

And why not 🤣. You deserve a treat or two after the few weeks you’ve had.

Numptybrain profile image

You’ve certainly had a time and a half. I’m so pleased you went to Wales and had a catch up, all those lovely memories, at least you know your cousin is in safe hands now. Hope your little fur baby was ok. You’re going through an awful lot Moy it’s a very tough time in your life, hopefully you’ll find out more soon and it will be good news.

Take care

Wendy xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toNumptybrain

Well, the news yesterday was good. The lung nodule has been identified as benign and there's no follow up required. I should have had a letter letting me know that a couple of months ago but for some reason I was not sent one! All that worry for nothing! Still, at least I can put it behind me now.

Just the two appointments tomorrow and then, with luck, I will know what's what.

Socks has been very loving since she came home. Our other cats used to sulk if we went away, but Socks is just so pleased to come in and find everything as she left it - just fresh food! She has been on the bed with us each night. Lots of purrs!

She was very vocal when she first came home and sounded exactly like the cat in the pen next to her! xx Moy

Numptybrain profile image
Numptybrain in reply toMoyB

So pleased it’s benign and Socks is ok, just the next news to discover, let’s hope it’s positive.

Take care

Wendy xx

chocklate profile image

Oh hi dear MoyB what ordeal you have been through. Hope the weekend away helped in some way to lift your spirits!!!

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply tochocklate

It certainly did! It was great. xx Moy

LizPat30 profile image

MoyB so pleased you’ve had such a wonderful weekend in Wales and I hope all your appointments will be positive! All my love Jo xx

Nula2 profile image

So pleased you managed to "get away from it all" with your family and what a thoughtful present from your son😊. Hope that the appointments are all as successful as they can be. 🤞xxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toNula2

Thank you. It was a very thoughtful present, even to the point that he and his wife had packed a trowel and cleaning equipment so they could clean off my dad's headstone and put in a few plants next to it. xx Moy

Nula2 profile image
Nula2 in reply toMoyB


Thinkhealthy profile image

oh oh oh ! How wonderful your attitude is given all that’s going on !!! Sounds like the weekend end catch up with your friends and family was a well deserved tonic and much needed. Hope all goes well with the next round of appointments. Hugs xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toThinkhealthy

Tomorrow will be the 'interesting day'! xx Moy

Ergendl profile image

What a catalogue of events! So glad you had a lovely family trip to Wales. Hope all your medical appointments go as you wish xx

MoosterMoo profile image

I love this optimism and humour. Sometimes it can be a case of laugh or we'll cry, I spent a lot of last year either in hospital or at one appointment or another, after years of not even needing to see a GP 😂 I'm so glad you had a lovely break away and have such lovely memories 🥰

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toMoosterMoo

It was fabulous! I'm so grateful to our son and his wife for taking us. xx Moy

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply toMoosterMoo

I think that if we can balance the good and the bad it can be easier to deal with. Plus, I love a good laugh! I'm sorry to hear about your last year. It amazes me how we can be fine for so long and then everything comes at once. xx Moy

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