I have suddenly started receiving calls from healthcare businesses. Two this week, I must have clicked on something.
Cold Calling: I have suddenly started... - Lung Conditions C...
Cold Calling

if it’s to your mobile phone block the number, otherwise do as I do, either don’t answer an unknown number, or say I no speak English
It may help to lock your posts? I Googled 'peege once' to see what was on the worldwide web and up came dozens of my replies from on here 😳 these trackers have a lot to answer to. Its jolly annoying to be spied on
Omg peege.x
That was a few years ago so after your post I tried again yesterday - it's my nickname you see, only used by my nearest & dearest. The worldwide web has grown exponentially since then there were pages on peege & Peege but none for my HU replies. Mind you, I looked up a particular sofa the other day and since I've had 6 emails from furniture sellers.
My Samsung smartphone blocks scammers, all 08 numbers and cold callers, it's brilliant. Luckily if on the rare occasion my gp practice call it comes up as Private number.
Yes my Samsung android phone does too.ive noticed that peege.ulook at whatever + low × behold, nx few days keep appearing on screen.do u clear all cookies regularly? Also in settings, u can choose to allow cookies or not,- in case anyone's not familiar with this x
I always reject or decline all cookies where possible. If I site doesn't offer that choice then I very quickly close it.I'm not sure if I know how to clear any cookies I've picked up 🤔 I do empty chrome & Google searches every other day - does that count? I wish I could afford to block trackers & ads. Most of the adds are totally inappropriate especially for people who can barely afford the Internet 🙄. I block all email ads but the keep coming. My spam box is full of ads for Dune shoes but I've never looked them up or bought a pair grrr
I never know whether to be brusque with them (ie. rude) or to keep them talking so they have less time to pester other, perhaps more vulnerable, people. Though once we nearly dropped a dreadful clanger by assuming a man on a very bad line with a very strong Indian accent was a cold caller. Oops! It turned out to be a consultant calling from a ward.😲😲🤣
I once said . Mr T is busy just now but please hold, your call is important to us... Then i switched on the radio and went for a cuppa.
They usually never call back.... reverse roll play.... Karma
I quite happily hang up xx
I ask them where they got my number from so I can report the call for breach of the data protection rules, they always put the phone down on me.