diane had her trachy op done this afternoon at the brompton, she was still sedated when i left so will return in the morning to see how's she's doing, once again i wish to thank everyone who responded to my posting, have spoken to many other people here at the brompton, during those waiting times to visit their freinds & loved ones, many where un aware of this website of ours, and have given them the details as i for one can say that its such a lifeline in so many ways, and again the same can be said when talking to others here also, sometimes share a cuppa & exchange a phone number, to help each other in our time of need, my own g.p who thankfully is very supportive has me signed off work for the next four weeks, which helps me have a breathing space from work without loosing pay, so i would advise anyone in a similar postion to go to their g.p , additionally the consultant at the brompton gave me a letter from him to show my employer that what the postion is , and why i need to be away from work, but worded in such away that none of diane's medical history is revealed, as that is confidential.
tom calling: diane had her trachy op... - Lung Conditions C...
tom calling

HI Tom,
Thanks for updating us about Dianes condition, and she is in good hands and being well taken care of. I hope you find an improvement in the morning when the sedation has worn off. As for yourself its very important that you are getting support from relatives of other patients and can chat and be supportive of one another at this time. Its also great to hear that you passed on details about this website, and hope they can benefit from it too..
At least you don't need to worry about your work just now, so that will be a weight off your mind, as you need your energy for yourself and Diane. You have to look after yourself as well, and get plenty of rest as I am sure you can't have had much sleep lately.
Wishing you both all the best, and a good recovery for Diane.
hugs from Huggs xxx
Hello Tom, it's good to hear from you and you do sound more positive about how Diane is getting on,I'm so relieved. Please make sure you are looking after yourself well, your Doctor is very considerate and I'm glad you have some time off work so you can be with Diane.Keep in touch. Sending love and hugs, huff xxxx
So pleased Tom. You are coping so well and I'm sure your wife is feeling your love. This forum and its members are a lifeline for which I'm too truly grateful.
Goodnight sleep well. In my thoughts and prayers.
Hello Tom , I am new here myself and wish Diane a speedy recovery. Having
Anyone ill is very stressful, so look after yourself well, eat well and get lots
Of sleep and you will feel a better. God Bless you.
Hello Tom, So pleased to hear Diane's had her op & is recovering. Hopefully, the sedation will be worn off tomorrow. she is placed to get great care & you need to look after yourself. kind regards Margaret
Hello Tom, wishing Diane a speedy recovery, take care. Jan x
Good evening Tom, and thank you for letting us know how Diane is getting on, it's heartening to hear how supportive the medics are being, so very pleased you have time off work without question, and thank you for letting others know about our community, now take very good care of you and come on here when ever you want contact with others who are willing to support and understand, I hope your tucked up in bed xxx
I am glad to hear of Diane's progress and that you are seemingly getting great support now- heartwarming to hear people reaching out and the medics doing their bit to help. Also Tom, I came across this article talking about prone positioning to improve outcomes in ARDS. Maybe something to ask the consultant about if they are not already doing it. pulmccm.org/2013/randomized...
Best wishes and thanks for the updatesxxx
Hello Tom, I am so pleased to hear Diane is making progress. I can understand how you feel.
My son had a moped accident when he was 16 which resulted in his jaw being broken in 8 places and a broken thigh. He had a trachy after that. To speak he put his finger over the hole.
At 23 he had an accident at a demolition site. There was a doctor working nearby, who kept his heart going for 15 minutes, which is how a clot formed in his brain. He had other injuries, but I can't remember what they were. He was in an induced coma for 11 weeks. He got brain damage because of the clot, which affected his short term memory, and his personality changed.
When he was 36 he had improved a great deal. Then he had a third accident. He was crossing a road on his motor bike, when a car being driven at high speed hit him, ran right over him, crushing one leg which had to be amputated, the other was broken in seven places. He survived septic shock against all the odds.
His son called him Robopop because of all the metal in him. It was a headline in our local paper.
Because the hip on the side of his remaining leg was so badly damaged, he can't wear a false leg. His bones have calcified because of all his fractures.
He is a living miracle. I am telling you this story, to let you know what wonders can be performed these days. My son is 50 this year and has just become a Grandad.
I hope all goes well when the sedation wears off. Diane might be a bit confused at first, but it won't take long for her to understand what has been happening.
Love and very best wishes to you and Diane,
AS xxx
Morning Tom, so glad to hear that Diane has had her operation, I wish her a speedy recovery.Thank goodness you have an understanding GP,takes a bit of the strain away, Look after yourself as well, Best wishes, Bulpit
Glad you are getting the support you so badly need at this time,love and best wishes to you and Diane for a better future x
Good Morning Tom, I am glad that your wife is getting such good medical care and you are getting such good support. Thats a relief to get a sick note so that you can be with Diane. You have such a lot on. Wishing Diane the speediest recovery and make sure you look after yourself, with much love and best wishes TAD xx
Hi Tom, i am so pleased things are looking better for you both. I hope you find Diane improving this morning, keep us posted. Take care xx
Bless you Tom and thinking of you and Diane. I am sure she will be doing lots better very soon. Best regards and good wishes to you and your lovely Diane.
Take care of yourself too. xxxxx
Hello Tom hope you are well this evening, sounds like you are getting lots of help from the medics and new found friends. Hope your wife will be breathing easier when you see her tomorrow. Have a good nights rest you will need all your strength in the coming weeks, trust your employer will be sympathetic about your losing time off work, you would never manage to concentrate with such concerns for your wife , take care and every best wish to you and Diane for the best possible out come, will be thinking of you both xx
Wishing you and Diane all the very best Tom.D.
All very best wishes to you both - a wonderful thing your GP has done and will help Diane's recovery and make everything so much easier - please keep us updated. x