Hi this might sound stupid to some but I am confused and dont know what i am ment to do i have bronchiectasis and have antibiotic rescue prescription but dont know if i need to start it if i have a cold? I have headaches blocked nose the usual cold symptoms had for a couple of days now. Do you just let the cold run its course or take antibiotics? confused x
Cold: Hi this might sound stupid to... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi I am a sufferer also, I usually start taking my "Standby A/B's when the mucus changes colour ie: greeny/yellowy bits etc. ( Although now I am told by my GP, I must t/phone him or 111 to request starting them. hope that helps
ps if you are taking A/B's 3 times a week etc. for the Bronchiectasis, you have to stop those until you finish the course from your "Rescue pack"

Hi scousedabs thanks for the reply. I dont take anything at all just buy olbas nasal inhalers and throat losangers i dont leave the house without them but dont take any other stuff. But its effecting my sleep cause i cant breath through my nose at all now i have a cold and temperature just didntknow if poorly enough to take the AB I will leave it for a few more days hopefully will improve
A cold is a virus and antibiotics don't work on viruses. If mucus changes colour, chest feels tighter or you feel your symptoms are worsening then use the rescue pack. Hope that helps and feel better soon. Xxxx
I agree with sassy. Just make sure that you clear your lungs really well ( which is more difficult) with a stuffed up nose etc to stop the pesky bacteria having a party. Hope you gat over the cpld without needing the abs.
my typing on that post was rubbish!

Thank you my nose is running like a tap lol so just annoying at this stage so will be keeping wrapped up at home where possible x
MelAidJack I know exactly how confused you feel. I was given rescue meds for the first time this year but with no guidance at all. I was given a very useful link by Stone on my previous BLF post that spelt it out for me. I am on immunosuppression so have been told to adopt a very low threshold for starting antibiotics. My colds become bad chesty coughs within just a few hours of starting but I can slowly claw my health back without the drugs - this takes some weeks which my doctors don't like.
My doctor told me to start the abs sooner rather than later. It is still difficult to decide whether or not to take them, I feel I have sometimes taken them unnecessarily so I usually wait a day or two once I suspect I might need them. Guess the bugs do more damage than the abs.
As previously said, if coughing up green phlegm and you feel its on your chest take the antibiotic, if your nose is blocked and you don't feel great don't take them unless you can feel that change in your chest.
It's always difficult to know when to take them you can always ring your doctor if your not sure.
Keep well x x
Use otrivine nasal spray thrice daily for one week and any antihistamine daily. Withhold the antibiotic
It has taken me ages to work out when to take mine especially as I seldom cough or even cough up any phlegm even when obviously infected so now I have my own personal check list 1. increased breathlessness, 2. decreasing oxygen levels (I have my own oxymetre and moniter my levels throughout the day. 3. chest tightness 4. general well being or not. I too get lots of head colds and nose dripping like a tap and can even get coloured phlegm but it comes from the back of my throat (so from my head and not my lungs) and I have now learnt that if all the above are ok it is not a lung infection - we are all different but hope that might help a bit self medicating and knowing when too is very difficult take care xxx