I know you will think I have lost my marbles but just wanted to know if anyone else is feeling the cold a LOT! Honestly today I went to do a bit of shopping, very well wrapped up, warm trousers and a fleece jacket plus gloves lol, I felt absolutely FREEZING! but I mean snow cold. Do any of you suffer with the cold? I am sitting here (nice and warm now!) wrapped up in a big fleece blanket, a hot water bottle and the fire on! Anyone else feels like me?
COLD!!!!: I know you will think I have... - Lung Conditions C...

No, quite the opposite, I’m always hot! It’s been very pleasant here today and due to get hotter on Monday.
Stay warm Woofly. Xxxx
I had a couple of days like that last week, really snow cold. Most unusual for me as I have been known to have 2 fans on in my bedroom in December/January. Not had any more days since but the two I did have made me feel icy cold and chilled to the core.
Hope you will soon warm up Woofly.
Yea,I’m cold,husband says I’m Marduk,but he canmove faster. then me.
Hi Woofly,
Yes, I have been freezing!!! So cold I hardly knew what to do with myself! Sometimes I have a bath or get in my bed with electric blanket just to warm up. My insides have felt cold too...and I’m down south. Actually yesterday wasn’t too bad but cold today again!!!!
Strange eh? I looked around seeing people in shorts and T shirts (including my husband! ) and I live in Devon lol
I've been feeling chilly early morning and evening but boiling during the day...strange 😎🙃😨👨⚕️❄☀️
I feel the cold a lot too Woofly . In winter I am constantly hunched up that causes tightness in my shoulders and neck. Right now, we are having a spell of rain ☔ but it's still got and muggy. Our summers go till early October but then winter is very long . Keep warm. xx 😊🌞
i constantly feel the cold and even get goose bumps if the temp drops below 23 deg even indoors without any wind chill,considering when i was younger i used to ski in temps well below -10 and worked outside without problem.
May i ask if you are under weight or very slim like me because i believe a lack of normal body fat ratios is condusive to feeling the cold a lot more than most folks?
Skinny Skis and a well insulated scruff's x
I wish I could say I was skinny 🙁🤔, I am not overweight just out of shape due to lack of breath and 4 slipped discs🙁. Oh the joys of getting old🤬
I'm afraid its age in my case . This year i have been so cold and the outside temp has not been good here in Cheshire . Room temp 71-73 F minimum and i am cold even with usual winter clothes on too. I do get relatively warmer when i move around a but then i get completely breathless have to sit down again to get my breath back. Then i get cold again I have warm air heating and my easy chair is very close to the heating vent behind in the floor so I am almost sitting over it but ,,,still cold.
I don’t think you’ve lost u marbles cos I feel
The same can’t seem to get warm and esp whilst I going to sleep I feel cold have take hot water bottle so take care keep warm
I have an electric under-blanket that can be left on at really minimal heat . It has
6 di(fferent settings. ( It is designed to do that for anybody who might need that.
I havent done that yet but i might if it gets cold this winter. I dont like a warm bedroom but do like a warm bed.
I often notice how other people in my town look under-dressed in their t-shirts and shorts when my husband and I go for a walk in woollies, thermal trousers and coats.
The weather temperature is constantly changing from cold to warm and sometimes hot it's no wonder we're feeling cold. I am still wearing shorts but too cold to go without a coat . My knees and legs don't like to be constricted until they have too. Keep yourself snuggly warm x Anita
It could be your circulation, mention it to your doctor and have it checked. I am a bit like Sassy and always hot, but just lately have been having cramp in my feet at night and they feel really cold to the touch. Hope you keep warm x
Perhaps need a thyroid check?
No, I'm usually too hot. But if you're cold it's ok, wrap up and enjoy😁🤗👍🏾🥰
I do sympathize with you Woofly but I'm the total opposite and I always think it's got to be easier to put more layers on to warm up, rather then sit sweltering feeling like you're going to literally become a ball of fire!!! Interesting post and I'm reading all your replies in case I've missed something that can maybe help me. Fingers crossed for you finding a solution or something that can maybe make life not so cold!! 🐿🌈
It was 24 degrees in my lounge last night and I was cold. I got a hot water bottle to warm me. I’ve always been a cold soul. I can’t believe I’ve got a Sister that wears short sleeves and cut off trousers in the winter. I will have my chunky jumpers on and still be cold.