Hi is anyone taking astrovarton statin and any negative experiences it said on leaflet peaple with lung issues shouldn't take it well I've copd I've never heard one person say anything good about statins I'm petrified any advice most welcome
German : Hi is anyone taking... - Lung Conditions C...

I’ve taken Atorvastatin (if this is the same thing) for several years without any side effects. I have severe asthma and bronchiectstasis.
That's the one 20 mg take it night time or after tea to be honestbim very worried I've heard bad side effects from peaple it's put fear in me my cholesterol is good but doctor said I would benefit because off high blood pressure and a good preventer for future health so he wants me to take it told him my fear he said the benefit outlays you're fear
I took atorvastatin for a while but it made me feel very tired. The GP swapped me to Simvastatin and I am fine on that.
I've had very nigh cholesterol since early 50s. Mine's hereditary, my mother had a stroke, both her parents died of stroke, my darling sister had a massive stroke 2 years ago. She's still paralysed, cannot walk or do much of anything for herself and she was extremely fit, healthy, slim with a very active and creative life. I would not wish it for anyone - especially myself as I live alone. Therefore I shall continue to take 40mgs of statin at bedtime and all my asthma meds.
It's sad to hear about what happend to you're family I hope you're sister gets support I can understand with you saying about yourself and high cholesterol and taking medication better to avoid situations regarding health I be taking mine tonight it's just horror stories put fear in me
I can understand that, I dont read them Tara and stick to the positives. At the end of the day we can weigh up the benefits against the risks and make our own choices and fingers crossed 🤞 🤞
Oh and many years ago I was told I should ask my grown up children to get checked. One was ok & the other two had very high cholesterol, at least they can keep an eye on their diet ie eat less fat and a lot more oats. If it's hereditary an excellent diet only makes a little bit of difference.
I suspect my sister was diagnosed with high cholesterol but she 'doesn't like taking tablets' so didn't get them. 😢 her husband cares for her very well and luckily can afford good carers. No help at all from the state or indeed the nhs.
i have taken it for a year now, in the morning with everything else, each to his own, i guess
The pharmacopoeia say that it is more effective taken at night - though as you say, each to his own.
Go well.
I've been on the 20mg for years now ive not had any side affects
I’ve taken it for more than 10’years , no issues both my parents died of isemeic heart disease and my brother had a stroke in his late forties . So I was advised to take statins . I also have diabetes type 2 which is also in my family
I’m on Artovastatin , Lipitor & have been for years, I have COPD , no side effects, don’t know if it’s the same as you, but had them for years, diagnosed with COPD 13 years ago, 😊💐🌺
I have took astrovarton statin for over 20 years and I have had no problems, I have COPD, and other chest problems. I have IHD so I would say it's more than a potential life saver.
I was prescribed statins 10 years ago after a heart attack, although my cholesterol was quite low. i was worried by the horror stories, but nothing gruesome has happened to me. I'm currently on Pravastatin 20mg, which I take at night.
I would rather risk a statin that a blood clot - I have had no problems at all on Atorvastatin - I was in hospital with unstable angina - and they started me on statins.
Hi you're definitely right I've had great replies it's just all the horror stories and I thought I mention it on forum an see if the horror stories get worse but they been great replies I don't have high cholesterol doc said because off blood preasure and I've had a few nasty times docters said I would benefit and he insisted I start them he said its to prevent any issues
I take Atorvastatin with no side effects at all. That doesn’t mean to say that some people cant have problems.
I'm on a different statin + happy to take it as high cholesterol is harmful x